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Creating a Corporate Safety Program

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1 Creating a Corporate Safety Program
Mark horr-vice chair government & public sector division Sr. safety specialist –county of sacramento

2 Injury Illness Prevention Program
INJURY & ILLNESS PREVENTION PROGRAM 1.1 Authority and Responsibilities 1.2 Compliance 1.3 Safety Communication & Awareness 1.4 Inspection Programs and Hazard Assessments 1.5 Incident Reporting and Investigation 1.6 Hazard Control and Abatement 1.7 Safety Training and Recordkeeping 1.8 Distribution

3 Total Buy In Takes Time & Patience CEO/Director Level Manager
Supervisor Employee Union OSHA-Local (Communication-Consultation)

4 Supervisor Buy In The Most Important Cog (in most scenarios)
First Point of Contact for Employees Most Frequent Contact for the Employee Subject Matter Experts (in most scenarios) Buy in/Non Buy in can sink the boat Ask their opinion and or thoughts (and listen)

5 Manager Buys in at the manager Level
Buys in and supports what the is required for the supervisors success. Resources Budget Personnel Time

6 Safety Committee Many iterations of make up All employees
Vertical & Horizontal (up and down and across the department) Senior Management? Invitees (Managers, Supervisors, Union etc?) Incident Investigation Training Review

7 Compliance Local Sate Federal

8 Inspections Facilities Equipment Sites Perimeter Public?

9 Hazard Assessments All job Classes Task Oriented
Employee involvement is essential Documented Reviewed for job and site Reviewd annually

10 Incident Reporting Injuries Accidents Near Misses (Hits)? Damage Only

11 Hazard Recognition & Abatement
System for recognizing hazards. System for communicating hazards. System for creating corrective actions. System for implementing corrective actions. Tracking system will follow all the above to completion.

12 Safety Training & Recordkeeping
Personal/Ergonomic safety training Equipment safety training Driver training Job safety training Record everything, dates, clearly documented attendees and trainers Supporting documentation Documented recordkeeping & retention process

13 Distribution All employees Electronic In Training In Print Languages
Document Review Annually or as needed

14 Questions? Who am I and what am I doing here?

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