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The 2nd Wave of Immigration:

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1 The 2nd Wave of Immigration:
WC Benchmark: L28 The 2nd Wave of Immigration:

2 Waves of immigrants to the U.S:
Which groups of immigrants do you think represented the 1st wave? *** The 2nd wave? The 3rd wave? Is there a 4th wave?

3 “Old” Immigrant Groups
Who?/When?: “New” Immigrant Groups: over 20 million between late 1880s and early 1900s Give 2-3 country examples You may use the yellow atlas Skilled workers & farmers settled outside of the cities Give 2-3 country examples You may use the yellow atlas Mainly Eastern European countries Spoke many languages; different religions Most travelled to the U.S. in steerage class (below deck)

4 WHY? Push/Pull factor terms:
Push factor Pull factor: Give 2-3 examples Give 2-3 examples Famous saying among the new immigrants: “the streets were paved with gold”- what does this mean?



7 Statue of Liberty – Gift from France, officially dedicated on Oct
Statue of Liberty – Gift from France, officially dedicated on Oct. 28, 1886/President Cleveland Symbol of freedoms and opportunities in the U.S. “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses…” Emma Lazarus

8 U.S. Immigration Processing Centers
Eastern Europeans (Jews from Russia, Greeks, Italians, Poles) arrived in the NY Harbor and went through Ellis Island. Chinese arrived in San Francisco Bay and went through Angel Island. Interviews, physical exams, and mental tests were given. Many immigrants were refused entry to the U.S. (hence “island of tears”)

9 Ellis and Angel Islands
Ellis Island: “The island of hope; the island of tears” Angel Island

10 Immigrant Life in the USA
Most settled in ethnic ghettos in cities (ex. Lower East side in NYC, Chinatowns, Little Italy) for support. Most took low paying non-skilled factory jobs, including the children Most encouraged their children to learn English.

11 Benevolent societies & Settlement Houses
There was very little help for the urban poor. Benevolent societies – aid organizations to help others in cases of sickness, unemployment, and death. Settlement houses were centers for the poor providing recreation, education, and social activities Kindergarten, taught English, helped gain U.S. citizenship The most famous settlement house was Jane Addams’ Hull House

12 The Welcome Withdrawn: nativists founded the Immigration Restriction League (immigrants had to prove they could read and write)

13 Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882:
Prohibited/banned the Chinese from immigrating to the U.S. for the next 10 years.

14 How did industrial growth affect immigration?
In summary: How did industrial growth affect immigration?

15 Other questions to consider:
Has Emma Lazarus’ poem changed over time? If so, how? Is the U.S.A. more like a salad bowl or a melting pot? Is one or the other better for the country? Is there another option?

16 Is there anything new about our today’s Immigration policy debate?
What is the current debate? What factors have shaped US Immigration policy over time? How has the USA Immigration system changed over time? How has USA Immigration policy been criticized over time?

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