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Adjutant General School iPERMS Overview October 2013

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1 Adjutant General School iPERMS Overview October 2013
SHOW SLIDE 1: Demonstrate interactive Personnel Records Management System (iPERMS) Academic hours: The academic hours required to teach this lesson are as follows: Hours/Methods 0 hrs mins / Conference/Discussion 0 hrs mins / Practical Exercise (Performance) 00 mins / PE Review Total hours: 0 hrs mins Instructional Guidance NOTE: Before presenting this lesson, instructors must thoroughly prepare by studying this lesson and identified reference material. Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio is: 1:36 Time of Instruction: 5 mins Media: None MOTIVATION: The interactive Personnel Electronic Record Management System (iPERMS) is the records holding area for key documents related to HR. This system will become even more important as the Army transitions to IPPS-A and the number of documents we collect and retain increases. interactive Personnel Records Management System (iPERMS)

2 Terminal Learning Objective
ACTION: Demonstrate the Interactive Personnel Records Management System (iPERMS) CONDITIONS: In a classroom environment given internet connectivity, a computer, access to the iPERMS Training Database, Supplements and a Practical Exercise. STANDARDS: The students will meet the standard when they: Define iPERMS Purpose and Functions Define Operator Roles Access iPERMS Training Database Verify Web Based Training Access Personnel Records Access Finance Records eMILPO Individual Personnel Verification Index Files Monitor the Annual Record Review Run Reports Check Reject/Error Codes and Rescans Review the Error Resolution Process SHOW SLIDE 2: Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) NOTE: Inform students of the following Terminal Learning Objective (TLO) requirements. Action: Demonstrate Interactive Personnel Records Management System (iPERMS) Conditions: In a classroom environment given internet connectivity, a computer, access to the iPERMS Training Database, Supplements and a Practical Exercise. Standards: The students will meet the standard when they: Define iPERMS Purpose and Functions Define Operator Roles Access iPERMS Training Database Verify Web Based Training Access Personnel Records Access Finance Records eMILPO Individual Personnel Verification Index Files Monitor the Annual Record Review Run Reports Check Reject/Error Codes and Rescans Review the Error Resolution Process Safety Requirements:  No food or drink is allowed near or around electrical equipment (CPU, file servers, printers, projectors, etc.) due to possible electrical shock or damage to equipment. Exercise care in personal movement in and through such areas. Avoid all electrical cords and associated wiring. In event of an electrical storm, you will be instructed to power down equipment. Risk Assessment Level: Low - Safety Review = PT Environmental Considerations: It is the responsibility of all Soldiers and DA civilians to protect the environment from damage. ATP    Evaluation: Students will be given a Practical Exercise.

3 Define iPERMS Purpose and Functions (1 of 2)
IPERMS is the Army’s authorized electronic records repository that supports the Army Military Human Resource Record (AMHRR) of a Soldier. IPERMS provides encrypted, end-to-end, secure, remote access to, input to, and retrieval of, documents from the Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) and other personnel folders/subfolders via the Army Knowledge Online (AKO) portal. The authoritative source documents/images are managed and stored in a Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) meeting the current National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) standard for archiving images of documents. SHOW SLIDE 3: Define iPERMS Purpose and Functions 1. Learning Step / Activity 1. Define iPERMS Purpose and Functions Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 (depending on the audience) Time of Instruction: 5 mins Media: Power Point Presentation  Note to Instructor: Ensure students have active AKO accounts before starting this lesson. a. IPERMS is the Army’s authorized electronic records repository that supports the Army Military Human Resource Record (AMHRR) of a Soldier. (1) Enables online and real-time updates to profiles for the Soldier or records administrator. (2) Includes changing what records can be viewed, how long they can be viewed, and the disabling of a profile restricting the ability to view any record. b. IPERMS provides encrypted, end-to-end, secure, remote access to, input to, and retrieval of documents from the Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) and other personnel folders/subfolders via the Army Knowledge Online (AKO) portal. (1) Records transfer between the domains is completed automatically when the transfer information is recorded in the Army personnel database (ITAPDB, eMILPO). (2) The system defines the format, contents, and structure for the information exchange. c. The IPERMS Records Management System provides storage of, controlled access to, and safeguarding of the AMHRR and other folders/subfolders. (1) The retention period for the records in the AMHRR is 62 years after the date of retirement, discharge, death in service, or 62 years after the completion of Military Service Obligation (MSO). (2) The date for transfer of ownership of the AMHRR to the National Archives is the 63rd year. d. The authoritative source documents/images are managed and stored using a Tagged Image File Format (TIFF), meeting the current National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) standard for archiving images of documents. (1) IPERMS employs the WORM (write once, read many) technology. (2) Once an image of a document is imported into iPERMS, the image cannot be changed or altered. Audit controls are in place to provide a history of activity related to each document.

4 Define iPERMS Purpose and Functions (2 of 2)
KSD LIST SHOW SLIDE 4: Define iPERMS Purpose and Functions (2 of 2) Note: See Supplement 2 for an example of the complete list of key supporting documents (KSDs) that are required to be filed in the AMHRR using iPERMS (ARNG forms are found at the bottom of the KSD list). Inform the students that the KSD list receives constant updates and to check the following websites to ensure they are using the latest version of the KSD list. HRC, ASRB Web page: S1 Net on MilBook Web page: Note to Instructor: The list of KSDs (Supplement 2) provides RMs with a comprehensive list of documents required to support the Army’s auditability requirements. Discuss the contents of MILPER message (Supplement 4) and the DA Directive dated 14 Jun 2013 (Supplement 5) with the students and ensure they understand that these documents must be uploaded into the AMHRR via iPERMS.

5 Define Operator Roles SHOW SLIDE 5: Define Operator Roles
  Learning Step / Activity 2. Define Operator Roles Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 (depending on the audience) Time of Instruction: 10 mins Media: Power Point Presentation a. RMs grant access based on what level you will be working; such as: Battalion, Brigade, G-1, UAs, etc. Determination for access will be made IAW AR , Military Personnel Information Management/Records. In iPERMS there are two operational roles at unit levels: 1) Scan Operator (SO) All users with SO access will scan/upload and index all authorized documents they create or acquire. The SO will have access to one UIC. 2) Authorized Official (AO) is given “view only” access to selected records by the DM/DA when access rules are assigned. The AOs may view all UICs for their Battalion (BN) or Brigade (BDE) level. SO and AO are the roles that you were required to complete mandatory training prior to this lesson as in the field, they will be the primary operator.

6 Access iPERMS Training Database (1 of 3)
SHOW SLIDE 6: Access iPERMS Training Database (1 of 3) Learning Step / Activity 3. Access iPERMS Training Database (live system techniques). Method of Instruction: Conference / Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 (depending on the audience) Time of Instruction: 15 mins Media: Power Point Presentation Note to Instructor: Login to Interactive Personnel Records Management System (iPERMs) Training System as Domain Administrator and create accounts for the Students using their AKO user name at least 2-3 days prior to teaching the class. Note to Instructor: It is a MANDATORY requirement for all students to complete the web-based training for Scan Operator and Authorized Official and receive a certificate of completion. The memorandum, dated 14 May 2013, provided as supplement 6, outlines this requirement. Note to instructor: The website for the web-based training is: NOTE: See the Instructor Guide for step-by-step instructions.

7 Access iPERMS Training Database (2 of 3)
SHOW SLIDE 7: Access iPERMS Training Database (2 of 3) Note to Instructor: Ensure system requirements are met before you login. Common Access Card (CAC). A CAC is required for iPERMS login. The CAC is linked to your AKO account, therefore, your AKO User ID will show when you login. Internet Explorer. iPERMS is a web based program that requires Internet Explorer. ActiveX. ActiveX tools must be working properly on the computer in order to Index, Verify, or Quality Control documents. QuickTime. QuickTime is required to view iPERMs documents. Access iPERMS at a) Click “I Accept.” b) Click “Certificate Login.” 2) The system will connect to AKO for certificate verification. a) Click “OK” at your AKO user name. b) Enter your “Pin” AKO USER

8 Access iPERMS Training Database (3 of 3)
SHOW SLIDE 8: Access iPERMS Training Database (3 of 3) 3) Click “I Accept” to agree to the terms of accessing the system. 4) Click “Login as Yourself.” The Record Managers are the iPERMS Managers, Brigade S-1s, Readiness NCOs, S-1s, Military Personnel Divisions (MPDs), S1 Personnel, Human Resources Personnel, Unit Administrators (UAs), G-1s or any other individual authorized to service the AMHRR, regardless of component, that will control all user accounts. The following are used to request access and the personnel that can be granted access to iPERMS: 1) The DD Form 2875, System Authorization Access Request, must be completed and submitted to the RM. 2) A first-party requester (the Soldier to whom the records pertain) may access the AMHRR. 3) A third-party requestor (a person who may access Privacy Act records provided they have an official need for the record in the performance of their duties) must obtain the RM’s permission. d. Army Command Domain Administrators may enable users within their domain to access iPERMS. 1) The RM will be held responsible for misuse of the iPERMS system. 2) Once a request is granted, an account will be created for the requestor based on position rules.

9 Verify Web Based Training
SHOW SLIDE 9: Verify Web Based Training Learning Step / Activity 4. Verify Web Based Training Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 (depending on the audience) Time of Instruction: 15 mins Media: Power Point Presentation Note to Instructor: The WBT is a mandatory requirement for all students and instructors. Per the Deputy Commandant’s memorandum dated, 14 May 2013, “Instructors will verify the student’s completion of the SO and AO Modules via visual inspection of the student’s iPERMS Web Based Training, “Certificate of Completion” that is no more than 1 year old. The Soldier will print the certificate. It is noted that the Web Based iPERMS Training does not maintain a record of completion or certificate; those students who are unable to prove completion within the past year are required to complete the training. Students with current access to iPERMS as both a SO and AO, are exempt from this requirement.” a. The training covers input and records management roles in iPERMS.  b. Take “Navigating the WBT” module first, as it will provide navigation instruction as well as familiarize the student with the terms and tools used throughout the training. NOTE: All roles work together to ensure documents are transferred to electronic image files that can be retrieved and viewed in the Soldier's AMHRR.

10 Access Personnel Records
(1 of 2) SHOW SLIDE 10: Access Personnel Records  5. Learning Step / Activity 5. Access Personnel Records Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 (depending on the audience) Time of Instruction: 10 mins Media: Power Point Presentation NOTE: Login to iPERMS, if you were logged out and select the “AO” role from the iPERMS Training-Select Role page. a. Query records using the SSN. NOTE: Replace “CL” (class) with 87 or 01; “SN” (student number) with 01-50 1) Using the SSN for CW3 JARVIS PENDLETON. In the Soldier SSN field, type: 9(CL)1307(SN) 2) Click the “Lookup SSN” button. 3) The Soldier’s record will open. Query Records Using Soldier report parameters. 1) Go to “Report Criteria” section. 2) Enter the “full” or “partial” name of the Soldier. 3) Enter to view record. Go to “Soldier Criteria”. 1) Click “add” to add report criteria such as UPC, rank, etc. 2) Select “type” of report. 3) In the “values” section you add specific criteria for the report (example: UPC K8701). 4) Use the magnifying glass to select the specific criteria, then click “Select Value” button. The selected criteria appears in the Value(s) field. 5) Click the “Add” button. The criteria will be added to the Report Criteria field. You can also click the Inverse box. This will include everything except what you selected. 6) Click “run report”. d. Navigate the Record. 1) The Soldier’s record is divided into folders that are displayed in the Record Window. 2) Each main folder can be opened to display a list of sub-folders. 3) Only the document folders and or subfolders that contain documents are displayed. This is a snapshot of what all the folders look like in a Soldier record view. Please note that any given folder will only show if there are documents filed in the folder.

11 Access Personnel Records
(2 of 2) SHOW SLIDE 11: Access Personnel Records Note to the Instructor: Documents for UIC (WK0101) and (WK0151) of the eMILPO training database are loaded in iPERMS. Should a student require additional training, select a Soldier from one of the AAA-162’s of these UICs. e. View a Document. Click the View button in the Search Results window. The Record Window opens. Components in the Record Window are: 1) Search Field. Can be used to search the record for specific documents. a) If you know the document name, type the partial title, name, or effective date (in the correct format: YYYYMMDD) of the document(s) that you want to find in the Search field. b) Click the arrow next to the Search field or press “Enter.” 2) Soldier Information. Includes SSN, Name, AKO User ID, Date of Birth, date the account enabled, etc. 3) Download Button. Allows the record to be downloaded to a local file. 4) Close Record Button. Closes the record, and returns user to the Enter Search Criteria window. 5) Record Folders. Provides access to record folders. 6) Soldier View Count. Checkmarks in this column indicate that the Soldier has viewed the document, if the Soldier has not viewed the document, a dot appears. 7) Document Count Tree. Lists the total number of a particular document that exists in the record. Only the most recent of a particular document type is displayed. 8) Title. Lists the titles of the documents contained in the record. 9) Name. Lists the document names. 10) Date. Lists the effective and input dates for the document ) Pages. List the number of pages in the document ) Image Icon. Takes the user to the report a problem screen. f. Close a record. Click the “Close Record” button on the Record Window. The record closes, and you are returned to the window where you first accessed the record. This is a snapshot of what all the folders look like in a Soldier record view. Please note that any given folder will only show if there are documents filed in the folder.

12 Access Finance Records
SHOW SLIDE 12: Access Finance Records  6. Learning Step / Activity 6. Access Finance Records Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 (depending on the audience) Time of Instruction: 10 mins Media: Power Point Presentation NOTE: Login to iPERMS, if you were logged out, and select the “AO” role from the iPERMS Training- Select Role page and follow the same procedures as accessing personnel records. Finance Records Review sub-folders are designed to assist in conducting a review of documents that support military pay entitlements using the LES as a source document. a. General folder contains promotion orders, contracts, and additional supporting documents for finance transactions. b. Entitlements folder contains supporting documents for entitlements or benefits. c. Deductions folder contains documents related to garnishment, recoupment, indebtedness, and insurance. Note to the Instructor: The Soldiers on the s: drive with complete personnel files are the same Soldiers with complete finance folders.

13 eMILPO Individual Personnel Verification
SHOW SLIDE 13: eMILPO Individual Personnel Verification  7. Learning Step / Activity 7. eMILPO Individual Personnel Verification Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 (depending on the audience) Time of Instruction: 10 mins Media: Power Point Presentation NOTE: Inform students to update the eMILPO Individual Personnel Verification date anytime Key Supporting Documents (KSDs) are added or adjusted in the Soldiers iPERMS account. BN/BDE S1’s, UA’s and MPD’s who have eMILPO access will utilize eMILPOs Individual Personnel Data Verification Date which is located in the service miscellaneous dates module. This method provides users an interim automated tracking tool and the ability to create custom queries from eMILPO data store displaying “PERS_DATA_VER_DT” located in the “SOLDIER CORE” table. Conduct this review when in-processing a new unit, during a PCS move, and annually thereafter (formerly known as Birth Month Audits). Establish procedures to schedule, conduct, and track a review of the KSD’s. Soldier’s should be informed to individually review their iPERMS file prior to meeting with the HR professional to identify and provide missing documents to expedite the process. Upon validation of each appropriate KSD, Records Managers must file all KSD’s in iPERMS and annotate the KSD review date in eMILPO or other tracking system.

14 Index Files (1 of 2) SHOW SLIDE 14: Index Files (1 of 2)
The students may also use this option to queue documents for indexing SHOW SLIDE 14: Index Files (1 of 2) 8. Learning Step / Activity 8. Index Files Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 (depending on the audience) Time of Instruction: 10 mins Media: Power Point Presentation NOTE: Complete Supplement 1 “BEFORE” learning activity 6 to teach students the process of changing a document to a TIFF file from the eMILPO training database and index to iPERMS. The selected Soldier record will be used to continue the learning activity. If the iPERMS session was terminated, login to iPERMS training database and select the “Scan Operator” role from the iPERMS Training-Select Role page. Scan images in Tagged Image File Format (TIFF). Create a Batch. - From the Queue select the Create a New Batch button (looks like a folder with a star on the upper right hand corner). - Click the Upload Images button (looks like a sheet of paper with a star on the upper right hand corner). - Click the Browse button next to the Image 1 field on the Upload Images to Batch window, locate and open the TIFF image(s) file you saved. - Click the Open button. (The image name is returned to the image 1 field.) - Add more images as needed, using the steps above. - Click the Add Now button. (A message appears indicating that the upload was successful.) - Click the View button. (The images are now part of the new batch.) NOTE: For training purposes only, if the duplicate document icon appears, bypass by clicking “Cancel” when the system prompts to clear the duplicate. This action is a result of previously indexed documents for UIC (WK0101 and WK0151) within the iPERMS training database. The students may use this option to queue documents for indexing

15 Index Files (2 of 2) SHOW SLIDE 15: Index Files (2 of 2)
The students may also use this option to queue documents for indexing SHOW SLIDE 15: Index Files (2 of 2) Naming Batches. - Enter the Container ID using the unit (i.e. AGS) - Edit the Batch Name, if applicable, using the Soldier’s Name. (Batch Name defaults to New Batch Date and Time.) - Enter Soldier’s Name or SSN. - Enter the Document Name or click the “Magnifying glass” to use approved document names. - Enter the Effective Date in “YYYYMMDD” format. - Click the icon that forwards to the next image: the system will allow for other records to be indexed, check duplicates or complete index. - Select Save from the Action menu or click the Do Selected Action arrow. The batch will we be saved. - One of the three messages could be received: Batch Complete, Duplicates Found, Batch Successful. NOTE: Inform the students of the following steps to edit a batch before indexing by using the same procedure to load DD Form 93/SGLV for CW3 RODRICUS STURGIS   SSN: 9(SN)871283(CL)01    d. View and Edit the batch. 1) View each image to determine if it is readable. (Use the Image Viewer Toolbar to enlarge the document view). 2) Organize the images so that multi-page documents are complete. Join Two Documents. Click the Join up or Join Down button. The selected document joins the document above or below the selected document. Split a Document. Click the Split button. The document is split; the pages above the highlighted page will become one document, and the highlighted page and pages below will become the next document. Delete a Document. Click the Delete Selected Document and all of its Images button. A delete document message opens asking if you are sure you want to delete the selected document and all of its images. Click OK. The document is deleted. Delete an Image. Click the Delete Image button (you must have an image, not a document selected). A delete document message opens, asking if you are sure you want to delete the selected image. Click OK. The image is deleted. The students may use this option to queue documents for indexing

16 Monitor the Annual Record Review
The Annual Record Review is the process of reviewing the Soldier’s record to establish that the appropriate authorized personnel and finance documents are uploaded to iPERMS. The Annual Record Review checklist is a guidance tool that will assist RMs through the review process to check the KSDs in the Soldier’s iPERMS file per MILPER message and DA Directive. SHOW SLIDE 16: Monitor the Annual Record Review Learning Step / Activity 9. Monitor the Annual Record Review Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 (depending on the audience) Time of Instruction: 10 mins Media: Power Point Presentation a. The Annual Record Review is the process of reviewing the Soldier’s record to establish that the appropriate authorized personnel and finance documents are uploaded to iPERMS. The Annual Record Review checklist is a guidance tool that will assist RMs through the review process to check the KSDs in the Soldier’s iPERMS file. RMs are responsible for uploading documents to iPERMS within 20 working days of the document being produced and associated actions completed. The RMs is the designated liaison for communicating to the Official Records Custodian (ORC) updates and changes to Soldier records. 3) The ORC is responsible for processing and indexing documents received from RMs and other sources for iPERMS. ORC is providing user support, training and customer service to the RMs and Soldiers regarding their AMHRR in iPERMS. a) The ORC manages and controls who has access to iPERMS. b) The ORC resolves issues with duplicate, erroneous, fraudulent, inverted or incorrectly filed documents with the exception of evaluation reports, DA 1059, DA The Chief, Appeals and Correction of the Evaluations, Selections and Promotions Division is responsible for the correction and management of evaluation report appeals b. Per MILPER message and the DA directive guidance RMs will conduct an initial review to verify that KSDs that substantiate current Basic Pay and current Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) are filed in iPERMS. Ensure the following documents are filed in iPERMS: 1) Latest Promotion Order 2) Initial Service Contracts (to include initial commissioning documents) 3) Latest assignment/PCS Order 4) If eligible for BAH with Dependents or Family Separation Pay, KSDs that establish family member relationship (Birth certificate, Marriage Certificate) NOTE: More guidance is available on the following website:

17 Run Reports (1 of 3) SHOW SLIDE 17: Run Reports (1 of 3)
Learning Step / Activity 10. Run Reports Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 (depending on the audience) Time of Instruction: 10 mins Media: Power Point Presentation NOTE: Login to iPERMS and select the Authorized Official (AO) role from the iPERMS Training-Select Role page and click “Run Report” icon on the bottom of the page. The “Soldier Record” report is for the “AO” to view the status of documents that were uploaded to iPERMS. Also, can assist in reviewing Soldier’s records for promotion boards, record review, etc. The report should be ran weekly to review the status of uploaded documents. If document(s) need to be added, deleted, or are misfiled in the Soldier’s AMHRR, or they have questions about the record, the RM is the point of contact for corrections.

18 Run Reports (2 of 3) SHOW SLIDE 18: Run Reports (2 of 3)
NOTE: This is another type of report but specifically for administrator, managers and AOs Select menu item “DD 93/ SGLV” from the top left of the page. The “DD93s/SGLVs” report is available for Sys Administrator; Domain Manager; Domain Administrator; and Authorized Official roles. To acknowledge privacy act restrictions and requirement for For Official Use Only (FOUO) marking and handling click “I Accept.” NOTE: The Unit Summary Report and the Unit Detail Report will be made available for viewing when you click “I Accept”.

19 Run Reports (3 of 3) SHOW SLIDE 19: Run Reports (3 of 3)
NOTE: The Unit Processing Code (UPC)= last 5 characters of Unit Identification Code (UIC) for training purposes use (K0101 or K0151). The Unit Summary Report provides statistical accounting of the number of Soldier Records in iPERMS by Unit Processing Code (UPC). The Report also identifies the number of Soldier Records that contain DD Form 93 and SGLV Form 8286. The Unit Detail Report (above) provides a by-Soldier and/or by-Unit Processing Code (UPC), list of the most recent effective date for DD 93 and SGLV 8286 posted to the Soldier’s record in iPERMS.

20 Check Reject/Error Codes and Rescans (1 of 2)
SHOW SLIDE 20: Check Reject/Error Codes and Rescans (1 of 2)   Learning Step / Activity 11. Check Reject/Error Codes and Rescans Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 (depending on the audience) Time of Instruction: 10 mins Media: Power Point Presentation NOTE: This is just for informational purposes. The reject/error resolution process will depend on your role. (i.e. scan operator). The above chart is the reject/error codes list of documents rejected by iPERMS. This can be located in the web-based training under SO. Login to the following website: Click “Scan Operation”, then click “Manage Rescans”, last sentence ”to view a chart of codes, click here.” b. Some reject codes are (I, Z, etc.), reject reasons, (incomplete document, etc.), Explanations, Reject queue (the place it will be returned).

21 Check Reject/Error Codes and Rescans (2 of 2)
SHOW SLIDE 21: Check Reject/Error Codes and Rescans (2of 2) NOTE: Rescans are documents that have errors that need correction and are being returned to the original person or role that is came from. When you login to iPERMS as the “SO” you see the Scan/Rescan list immediately. A screen will appear showing all batches returned containing rejected documents. This list should only contain batches there were scanned by your user id name or unit. Returned Scans are returned to a specific role or user listed on the reject code list. (i.e. “I” is for “incomplete document”, therefore, it is “missing a document”, and returned to the “Scan Operator (SO)”. Open the batch by clicking checkout or override. The batch will open showing the rejected document(s) and reject reason(s). View the document and look at the reject reason code. NOTE: Next is to Review the error resolution process.

22 Review the Error Resolution Process
1 SHOW SLIDE 22: Review the Error Resolution Process Learning Step / Activity 12. Review the Error Resolution Process Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 (depending on the audience) Time of Instruction: 10 mins Media: Power Point Presentation NOTE: This is a continuing process from rescans. You have to determine what the reject/error code is and what has to be rescanned. The error resolution process is governed by the reject/error code and comment section (arrows 1) which will determine who (what role) the scanned documents will be returned to. The comment section will have the original batch ID before the documents were split. 1) The documents with errors (which are identified by a check mark) are split from the original documents. The documents with no errors continue through the process of going into the Soldier’s iPERMS. The other documents with errors will be returned to the originator. 2) The slide above has three error codes. a) I = incomplete documents = scan operator b) Z = corrupt image = scan operator c) J = unauthorized document = quality control 3) Two of the three scans will be done by the scan operator (arrow 2). The other scan will be done by quality control because it does not belong in iPERMS (an unauthorized document). Scan operators cannot remove documents from iPERMS. Contact your Domain Manager or Domain Administrator. (If they are unavailable contact HRC at website: The “SO” will correct the “I” and “Z” code. The “SO” will “checkout” the batch and find the document, identified by the check mark, and determines the “I” codes is an incomplete document that is missing a page. The “Z” code is a corrupt image and cannot be displayed. Both batches with errors follow the same process. The “SO” rescans the document(s), deletes the old document(s) and uploads the new document(s). The “SO” checks the batch for errors and then indexed the document to finish the batch. 2

23 Check on Learning Q. What does the iPERMS Records Management System provide? Q. Which reports enable HR leaders to monitor the status of DD Form 93 and SGLV Form 8286 input to the iPERMS record? Q. What step must never be omitted when validating index data? SHOW SLIDE 23: Check on Learning Q. What does the iPERMS Records Management System provide? Storage of, controlled access to, and safeguarding of the Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) and other personnel folders/subfolders. Which reports enable HR leaders to monitor the status of DD Form 93 and SGLV Form 8286 input to the iPERMS record? Unit Summary Report and Unit Detail Report. Q. What step must never be omitted when validating index data? Checking for duplicate records.

24 Practical Exercise SHOW SLIDE 24: Practical Exercise
Learning Step / Activity 12. Practical Exercise Method of Instruction: PE1 Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 (depending on the audience) Time of Instruction: 15 mins Media: Power Point Presentation Administer the Practical Exercise. Review the PE with the students and entertain any questions.

25 Summary IPERMS is the Army’s authorized electronic records repository that supports the Army Military Human Resource Record (AMHRR) of a Soldier. IPERMS provides encrypted, end-to-end, secure, remote access to, input to, and retrieval of, documents from the Official Military Personnel File (OMPF) and other personnel folders/subfolders via the Army Knowledge Online (AKO) portal. The authoritative source documents/images are managed and stored in a Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) meeting the current National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) standard for archiving images of documents. SHOW SLIDE 22: Summary SUMMARY Method of Instruction: Conference/Discussion Instructor to Student Ratio: 1:36 (depending on the audience) Time of Instruction: 05 mins Media: Power Point Presentation NOTE: Reiterate to the students the importance of iPERMS and how it can be useful to them as HR professionals.

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