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Welcome to Kindergarten!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to Kindergarten!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to Kindergarten!
Mrs. Keller

2 Back to School Video

3 Need to Sign and Return Parent 3-2-1 sheet
Yellow sheet (Code of Conduct/Science Safety/website permission) Student info. sheet for evacuation

4 Apps to Get! HSA My School Anywhere App Box Tops for Education: Apple
Google Play Here Comes the Bus Info/App *Our school code is 83543  School Cafe App

5 Routine Information Change of clothes/underwear- in bag labeled with name Breakfast (sign-up sheet) Snack Time vs. Lunch Time Bus Tags (frog sticker) Birthdays- 1 item from Food Services only

6 Email or Call me Anytime!
Communication UMPS/Classroom Website eCommunicator Absence notes/Change in Transportation (NO S) Homework Folder (yellow folder) or Call me Anytime! x4141

7 Classroom Schedule Morning Meeting Core Reading Tier Reading Writing
Recess/Lunch (11:00-11:50) Core Math Tier Math Snack Special Science/Social Studies

8 Special Schedule Day A- Technology Day B- Art Day C- Music
Day D- Library Day E- Gym Day F- Gym

9 Classroom Community Work together to create a safe and caring community of learners Cooperation, Assertiveness, Responsibility, Empathy, Self-Control Hope and dreams (parent sheet- please include a wish/hope you have for your child this year) Develop classroom rules together

10 Classroom Community Logical Consequences Break it, fix it
Loss of privilege “Time-out” (Calm Down Corner)- Take a Break

11 Homework Reading Log (Be a Phanatic About Reading) Math (Home Links)
Literacy (white journal) Listed in “News From the Pond” each week Wonders and Everyday Math website(link on UMPS website) Reading Eggs

12 Book Orders/Highlights
Your child will bring home Reading Club flyers monthly Order online or by returning your order form and payment (checks only)

13 Conferences/ Report Cards
November, March Trimesters: December, March, June Conferences/ Report Cards

14 Volunteer Opportunities
**Clearances Needed** Mystery Reader Classroom Volunteer **Sign- up sheet**

15 I am looking forward to working with each student and their family
I am looking forward to working with each student and their family. It is going to be a year full of fun and excitement!

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