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Gloucester County Public Schools

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1 Gloucester County Public Schools
School Board Adopted Budget April 25, 2019

2 Budget Planning Process
August 5 Year CIP requests submitted to County September Develop budget files/packages/forms Joint meeting with BOS October Budget discussions/planning with Superintendent and Executive Leadership Team Present 5 Year CIP request to County Administrator Finalize budget packages November Disseminate budget packages Present 5 Year CIP request to Planning Commission Receive budget requests December Meet with budget holders Review impact of Governor’s Proposed Budget January Compile adjusted requests Receive input from the public & ELT Budget Considerations presentation February Present Superintendent’s Recommended Budget Joint retreat/meeting with BOS Monitor General Assembly March FY20 Budget Q & A w/ Supt & CFO Public hearing Approval of School Board’s Recommended Budget Joint meeting with BOS Monitoring staffing/schedules April Adoption of County’s Budget May School Board’s Adopted Budget

3 Our Local Composite Index
This is the most significant factor in determining GCPS’ share of State funding. For the 2019 & 2020 biennium, the LCI increased by .91% representing a slight shift of some funding responsibility from the State back to the Locality. Return to Table of Contents

4 Projected Students by Grade Level
Projected enrollment for FY20 is calculated by advancing student enrollment figures for FY19 one grade level for FY20 and leaving Kindergarten enrollment figures steady. *Adjustments are estimated for pupils the school division does not receive funding for (i.e. students C.S.A. funded programs, regional programs, etc.) Grade Level K 362 1 385 2 368 3 402 4 412 5 417 6 394 7 366 8 375 9 479 10 455 11 437 12 389 TOTAL 5,241 5,214 Projected Adjustments* -39 Projected ADM 5,202 5,175 Return to Table of Contents

5 School Board Adopted FY20 Budget
Fund FY19 Adopted School Board Budget FY20 School Board Adopted Budget Operating 59,433,361 61,796,240 Central Food Service 2,613,473 2,688,473 CIP 960,367 6,913,411 Debt Service 3,750,949 3,513,268 Total All Funds 66,758,150 74,911,392

6 Request for Additional County Funding
Contributions for Operations Current Adopted $25,681, $26,961,400 The adopted local contribution amount received is $1,280,000.

7 FY20 Operating Fund Budget Adoption
Budget Consideration – To create a competitive employment package addressing both compensation and benefits. Goal 3 – Objective 3-A (Comprehensive Plan). Competitive compensation for all support/educational staff (market analysis) 1,300,000 Adjusted Scale & Step Increase for Teachers - continuation from FY19 650,000 Health insurance increase 1,132,000 Return to Table of Contents

8 FY20 Adopted Support/Educational Staff Competitive Compensation Adjustments
Adopted Cost of Adjustment + Benefits Adopted Average Increase Assistant Principals 122,932 12.37% Bus Drivers/Assistants 300,769 18.65% Clerical 111,231 6.89% Custodial 114,733 7.40% ELT/Directors/Coordinators 103,571 4.31% Facilities/Safety/Warehouse 89,434 12.96% Grounds 20,659 10.37% Nurses 40,376 8.33% OT/PT/Speech/Sign Lang. 59,302 3.19% Paraprofessionals 84,821 5.49% Principals 60,065 7.14% School Psychologists 20,995 Security 26,162 21.34% Specialists 40,814 5.08% Technology 47,469 7.27% Transportation Shop 56,667 13.55% Food Service Workers 45,509 13.7% Food Service Managers/Assistant Manager/Director 31,567 6.8% Total Average Increase 10.58%

9 Teacher Salary Ranking Comparison - Bachelor’s Degree
State Ranking FY18 Adopted Salary Scale FY19 State Ranking FY19 Adopted Scale FY20 FY20 Projected State Ranking Based on Divisions’ Current Scales Bachelor’s Degree Step 0 65 42,380 47 42,695 44 Step 5 70 43,666 56 44,873 39 Step 10 73 45,894 58 47,162 38 Step 15 81 49,441 50,807 30 Step 20 78 53,262 54,733 34 Step 25 84 57,378 46 58,963 40 Step 30 77 63,350 63,520 FY20 Adopted Teacher Scale Salary Average – 3.8%

10 GCPS Current Teacher Salary Scale and Proposed Changes for FY 2019-2020 Bachelor's Degree
Step Current Scale % Step Inc Adopted Scale Salary Increase 42,380 42,695 1 42,592 0.50% 43,228 1.25% 2.00% 2 42,805 43,553 0.75% 2.26% 3 43,019 43,989 1.00% 2.76% 4 43,234 44,428 3.28% 5 43,666 44,873 3.79% 6 44,103 45,321 7 44,544 45,775 8 44,989 46,232 9 45,439 46,695 10 45,894 47,162 11 46,582 1.50% 47,869 4.30% 12 47,281 48,587 13 47,990 49,316 14 48,710 50,056 15 49,441 50,806 16 50,182 51,569 17 50,935 52,342 18 51,699 53,127 19 52,474 53,924 20 53,262 54,733 4.31% 21 54,060 55,554 22 54,871 56,387 23 55,694 57,233 24 56,530 58,092 25 57,378 58,963 26 58,525 59,847 27 59,696 60,745 28 60,890 61,656 29 62,108 62,581 2.78% 30 63,350 63,520 2.27% 30+ 2% Increase Average 3.80%

11 FY20 Operating Fund Budget Adoption
Budget Consideration – To provide a schedule and personnel that maximizes instructional delivery and support for student learning. Goal 1 – Objective 1-B & 1-D School Counselor (2) - Abingdon & Botetourt (Governor’s Budget) 151,502 Items requested in FY19 Return to Table of Contents

12 Summary of FY20 Increased Expenditures
Adjustment/Market Analysis of Support/Educational Staff 1,300,000 Adjustment to Teacher Salary Scale 650,000 Health Insurance Estimated Increase 1,132,000 Additional Positions – two additional School Counselors 151,502 Total Increased Expenditures 3,233,502

13 Fiscal 2020 Operating Fund Budget Mitigating Factors
Mitigating Factors Summary State Funding (General Assembly Approved) 1,078,667 Federal Funding 4,212 Health Insurance Employee Share Increase $204,000/RX Rebates $300,000 504,000 Division Level Savings – attrition/line items, etc. (positions & prioritization of items are subject to change based on final school board recommended/adopted budget) 366,623 Total Mitigating Factors 1,953,502

14 Summary of Local Request
Amount of Mitigating Factors 1,953,502 Amount of Adopted Local Contribution Amount Received 1,280,000 Grand Total of Mitigating Factors and Local Contribution Amount Received Balances to Increased Expenditures 3,233,502

15 Report of FY20 CIP Projects and FY20 Capital Needs
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16 Capital Fund Adopted FY20 Budget
Budget Consideration – To provide students, staff and entire community facilities that are well-kept and maximize instructional delivery and support for student learning by successfully following an approved capital improvement plan as adopted by the Gloucester County School Board. (Capital Improvement Plan) Peasley Replace ⅓ of water-source heat pumps in 7th grade wing 220,000 Achilles New bus loop 789,916 Lighting replacement 129,176 Page Athletic fields 400,000 Botetourt Roofing recoat 441,000 Transportation School Buses (5) 493,319 Gloucester High Major renovation - planning phase 3,690,000 Bus compound relocation 750,000 Total 6,913,411 Replace with Budget request Return to Table of Contents

17 Tiered Increase

18 Summation… It is about improving our students’ academic success.
It is about enhancing the support of our teachers, administrators, and staff. It is about accomplishing the common goals of the School Board, the Board of Supervisors, the Superintendent, the Staff, and the Community. Return to Table of Contents

19 Addendum – FY20 Adopted Salary Scales and Salary Ranges

20 FY20 Adopted Salary Ranges for Support/Educational Staff
GCPS Adopted Minimum GCPS Adopted Maximum Food Service – Cafeteria Worker 9.75/hr 15.70/hr Bus Assistants 11.00/hr 17.71/hr Custodial 10.50/hr 16.90/hr Food Service – Assistant Manager 18.51/hr Facilities Technician 36.63/hr. Custodial – Assistant Foreman 11.55/hr 19.44/hr Groundsworker 12.30/hr 19.80/hr Food Service - Manager 12.50/hr 21.73/hr Paraprofessionals 12.65/hr 23.75/hr Transportation Shop – Fleet Helper 20.12/hr Painter 12.75/hr 20.53/hr Clerical 34.61/hr Custodial – Foreman 13.13/hr 22.82/hr Warehouse Person Bus Driver 14.00/hr 22.54/hr Security 14.72/hr 24.15/hr Grounds - Lead Groundsworker 14.15/hr 22.78/hr Transportation Shop – Fleet Technician 17.50/hr 33.00/hr

21 FY20 Adopted Salary Ranges for Support/Educational Staff
GCPS Adopted Minimum GCPS Adopted Maximum Technology – Technician 17.21/hr 29.88/hr Security – Lead Officer 18.00hr 28.98/hr Technology – Tech/Data Specialist 19.00/hr 32.39/hr Transportation Shop – Assistant Shop Manager 22.50/hr 36.22/hr Nurses – LPN 21,556 36,653 Nurses - RN 35,399 61,108 Speech Language Pathologists 42,380 85,674 School Psychologists 51,148 92,139 Manager – Grounds/Facility/Safety/Transportation 51,100 82,100 Assistant Principals/Coordinators/Specialists 60,000 101,000 Principals/Directors 74,000 124,000 Executive Director 93,100 134,000 Chief Financial Officer 96,200 139,000 Assistant Superintendent 100,000 146,000




















41 Adopted Salary Ranges for Other Support/Educational Staff
GCPS Adopted Minimum GCPS Adopted Maximum Speech Language Pathologists 42,380 85,674 School Psychologists 51,148 92,139 Manager – Grounds/Facility/Safety/Transportation 51,100 82,100 Assistant Principals/Coordinators/Specialists 60,000 101,000 Principals/Directors 74,000 124,000 Executive Director 93,100 134,000 Chief Financial Officer 96,200 139,000 Assistant Superintendent 100,000 146,000

42 Gloucester County Public Schools Teacher Scale 2019-2020 Full-Time Teachers Only, 200 day contract)
Lane 1 Lane 2 Lane 3 Lane 4 Lane 5 Steps Bachelor's +15 hours Master's Dual Master's Doctorate 42,695 43,793 46,813 48,872 50,931 1 43,228 44,326 47,346 49,405 51,464 2 43,553 44,651 47,671 49,730 51,789 3 43,989 45,087 48,107 50,166 52,225 4 44,429 45,527 48,547 50,606 52,665 5 44,873 45,971 48,991 51,050 53,109 6 45,322 46,420 49,440 51,499 53,558 7 45,775 46,873 49,893 51,952 54,011 8 46,233 47,331 50,351 52,410 54,469 9 46,695 47,793 50,813 52,872 54,931 10 47,162 48,260 51,280 53,339 55,398 11 47,869 48,967 51,987 54,046 56,105 12 48,587 49,685 52,705 54,764 56,823 13 49,316 50,414 53,434 55,493 57,552 14 50,056 51,154 54,174 56,233 58,292 15 50,807 51,905 54,925 56,984 59,043 16 51,569 52,667 55,687 57,746 59,805 17 52,342 53,440 56,460 58,519 60,578 18 53,127 54,225 57,245 59,304 61,363 19 53,924 55,022 58,042 60,101 62,160 20 54,733 55,831 58,851 60,910 62,969 21 55,554 56,652 59,672 61,731 63,790 22 56,388 57,486 60,506 62,565 64,624 23 57,233 58,331 61,351 63,410 65,469 24 58,092 59,190 62,210 64,269 66,328 25 58,963 60,061 63,081 65,140 67,199 26 59,848 60,946 63,966 66,025 68,084 27 60,745 61,843 64,863 66,922 68,981 28 61,657 62,755 65,775 67,834 69,893 29 62,581 63,679 66,699 68,758 70,817 30 63,520 64,618 67,638 69,697 71,756

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