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 School Impact of Formula Changes  Purpose/Function by Funding Source  Salary Schedules: › State Salary Schedules › Local Salary Schedules › Local.

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2  School Impact of Formula Changes  Purpose/Function by Funding Source  Salary Schedules: › State Salary Schedules › Local Salary Schedules › Local Supplements › Salary Administration Issues


4 Grade Level Current NHCS Base Formula Formula Inc (Dec) Proposed NHCS Base Formula Revised State Formulas K 17 0 1-3 17 118 4-6 22 12324 7-8 21 12223 9 22.5 224.526.5 10-12 24.6 2.42729

5  Elementary Schools: › Most will lose 1 teacher, but a few would lose 2 › Most would lose 1 teacher assistant  Middle Schools: › Most would lose 2 teachers  High Schools: › Would lose between 5 and 7 regular teachers › All would gain 4 CTE (may be phased in over next two years) › Loses could be absorbed through attrition





10  Web Site Link:  Certified  Classified  Supplements

11  30 step salary schedules for teachers: › The first six steps (0-5) are the same because there have been no step increases in 5 years  Separate pay scales for bachelor's, masters, advanced degree, doctoral degrees, and National Boards › After 6/30, only additional staff whose license requires the higher degrees will qualify, but those already on scale will continue

12  Separate published schedules for instructional support are the same as for teachers.  Separate schedules for Psychologists are higher  Schedules are also available with daily rates. Link:

13  School Administrator Pay Table has 45 steps, and is divided into 9 different schedules  APs are paid on the first Schedule: › Steps 1-28 › Step 1 represents 0-9 YOE, so an AP with only 5 years of teaching experience would not have earned a step increase for 5 years

14  Principles are assigned to one of 8 principal Levels (Schedules I - VIII) based on the number of state teachers they supervise: › Principals of larger schools are assigned to a higher step for the same years of experience than if they were at a smaller school › We use local funds to pay the differential so Principals are also compensated for the local and federally funded teachers they supervise

15  The scales are also adjusted for advanced and doctoral degrees, but as with teachers this will end 6/30 for anyone not already paid on the scale.  Principals used to receive a 3 for 1 experience bump for each year of principal experience, but that has been on hold for several years

16  ABC and Safe School Bonuses:  During the schools years 1997-98, 1998-99 and 1999-2000, school administrators were able to earn up bonuses from 1% to 6%  While the program was discontinued, the bonuses remain part of their pay  We currently have 19 school administrators paid on these higher scales.

17  The state provides ranges for 7 locally defined ranged for central office admin Administrators  Locally we divided this into a 30 step scale  Since salaries are negotiated within these ranges the steps do not necessarily correlate with years of experience  The state has separate ranges for Superintendents based in LEA size.  Any negotiated salary above these ranges is locally paid.

18  The state establishes pay ranges for non- certified public school personnel  Local schedules may also be established, but state funded teachers assistants, office support, and custodians must be paid within these ranges  Our local schedules are referred to as Classified Pay Schedules

19  Classified Pay Schedules: › Local schedules were developed in the mid- 90’s based on state ranges and an outside pay study › Human Resources assigns positions to the local pay schedules › The local schedules are slightly higher than the state ranges  Link to local position list: sifiedPositionGrades.pdf

20  Salary Supplements: › % of State Certified Salaries:  Teachers – 8%  Principals & Assistant Principals – 10%  Locally paid NBPTS - 12% › Flat Rate Supplements:  Non-Certified Supervisory (foremen)- $1,650  Instructional Resource Specialists - $2,000  Orientation & Mobility Specialist - $2,000

21  Extra Duty  Arts  Athletics  Game Workers  Incentive Pay


23  Cost of Living Increases › Entire schedule is increased across the board › This has occurred once in the last 5 years with the 1.012% state raise in 2012-13  Step Increases › Employees move up the scale based on experience › Last Step Increase was in 2008-09

24  Local Step Increases: › Generally step increases for the classified scale were locally funded because many times the legislature would only fund the step increase for licensed staff › If the state increase was large enough, we used a portion for State Cost of Living increases on the classified scale and then used the rest to raise the scale.

25  Classified Position Grades were established in 1998 based on an extensive pay classification and benchmarking survey and the State Classified Salary Schedule.  Classification comparisons have been made every two to three years since or when requested based on private industry standards, other NC public institutions, and more recent benchmarking surveys.  Classified Position Grades ades.pdf ades.pdf

26  Classification Pay Plan  Reclassification, New Position Request, or Change in Compensation The process for the creation of new positions and position reclassification is based on School Board Policies 6150 and 6110.

27  County Benchmarking Study › NHCS is participating  State currently evaluating pay plans › Anticipate significant pay schedule changes in next biennial budget  2014-15 Budget Cycle: › Request County funding to Increase Teacher Supplements

28  Topics for January 22: › School Priorities  Reports January: › Cost Summary of Special School Programs › Class Size Data Analysis

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