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“Day D” January 23, :51 - 8:51 Exploratory 8:53 - 9:53

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Presentation on theme: "“Day D” January 23, :51 - 8:51 Exploratory 8:53 - 9:53"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Day D” January 23, 2017 7:51 - 8:51 Exploratory 8:53 - 9:53
7: :51 Exploratory 8: :53 9: :55 Social Studies 10:57 -11:27 11: :31 LUNCH (1st Lunch- need $) Science 12: :33 English 1: :35 Math locker

2 15 - 25 DO NOW: (No calculators, pencils, talking or air writing)
Take out your packet Solve using mental math (No calculators, pencils, talking or air writing) 3. You will have 2 minutes to get this done

3 Objective(s): I will be able to:
write algebraic expressions that record all operations with numbers and letters standing for the numbers. I will know I got it when: I can successfully complete the stations with at least 80% accuracy 6.EE.A.2, 6.EE.A.2b

4 Language Objective By the end of the lesson, student will be able to use the language domains or reading and writing to communicate the academic math language of expressions. They will verbally communicate and write algebraic expressions that record all operations with numbers and letters standing for the numbers. They will know they got it if they can communicate the key vocabulary effectively with with at least 80% accuracy. Academic Math Language Vocabulary: sum,twice,quotient,power, increase by, decrease by, product, quantity, plus, divide by, divisor, dividend, less than, more then

5 2b 5 + a + 5c pg. 71 ( ) I WE WE WE a + b 4 “sum” indicates addition
“twice” indicates multiplication by 2 2b + 5 WE “quotient” implies division WE a + 5c 5 “power” indicates exponents “increased” implies addition WE “product” implies multiplication. ( ) “quantity” indicates parentheses a + b “plus” indicates addition 4 “divided by” implies division.

6 pg. 72 YOU 15c ___ - 10 YOU 5d + 8

7 pg. 72 y m + 4 y = Yaseen’s $$ y m = + 4

8 IF Mario was assigned 10 assignments, how many is he missing?
pg. 72 I a IF Mario was assigned 10 assignments, how many is he missing? a 10 ÷ 2 2 = 5 assignments 10 = 5 assignments We 2 w IF Kamilah weighed 20 pounds on her first birthday, how much does she weigh now? w 3 20 = 60 pounds 3 3w

9 IF Nathan brings 20 cupcakes, how many will each friend get?
pg. 73 WE c c IF Nathan brings 20 cupcakes, how many will each friend get? c 5 ÷ or 5 20 ÷ 5 = 4 cupcakes each 20 = 4 cupcakes each 5 You a d a + d ÷ 10 a + d or 10 You f j 4f + 4j 4(f + j) or

10 Students will work in groups to complete stations. (20-25 minutes)
Check in (5 minutes)

11 Page 76 a+b 5+2c or 2c +5 d - 6

12 Page 76

13 Page 76

14 Page 77

15 Page 77

16 Page 77

17 Homework Page 78 (in packet)

18 Accommodations Read or reread presentation or activity directions, as needed or after prompting Use examples to model and act as a guide for emerging learners

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