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Religious Education Through our RE lessons we will be answering; Maths

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1 Religious Education Through our RE lessons we will be answering; Maths
English We will start the term by ‘Painting a Poem’ using similes and usual words in unusual combinations. We will then move onto ‘I don’t believe it, Archie!’ – a comedy fiction text that will entertain! There will be some English links to our Egyptian topic too. Religious Education Through our RE lessons we will be answering; What do Sikhs Value? Maths This half term the children will develop skills in the following: Multiplication and division including factor pairs and formal written layout of TO / HTO by 1 digit Finding the area of rectilinear shapes. We will also continue to work on being fluent in recalling all times tables facts up to 12 X 12 Year 4 Spring Term 1 Topic: Ancient Egypt Big Question: Were are the mysteries of Ancient Egypt? Wow Start: Mummification !!! Fantastic finish: ‘Walk like an Egyptian’ Daily Mile The aim of The Daily Mile is to improve the physical, social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing of our children. Children are physically active (run, jog or walk) for 10 mins a day. Topic -Ancient Egypt We’ll learn all about the Ancient Egyptians, investigate some of the Pharaohs and the development of the pyramids, as well as the mythology that surrounded this early civilisation. We’ll look at the role the Nile had in allowing this civilisation to flourish and examine daily life, comparing it to our own. We will also complete some cross curricular work linked to ‘There’s a Pharoah in my bath’ and ‘The Egyptian Cinderella’ STEM Science: Animals including humans where we will be looking at our teeth and our digestive system. STEM day – more details later in the term Computing Technology: Design, write and debug programs through the use of Espresso coding Use search technology effectively linking to our Egyptian Topic P.E Year 4 will be having two P.E lessons: in one they will be continuing to develop their skills through Real PE . In their second lesson, they will be planning and performing dance sequences. Character Curriculum This term we will be exploring the virtues of cleanliness, fairness, friendliness, patience and respect.

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