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Pyramids River Nile Ancient Egyptians! Gods and Goddesses

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1 Pyramids River Nile Ancient Egyptians! Gods and Goddesses
Art & Design: An Art Day at Art Works – Halifax Creating casts. Large exploratory drawings. Key Text: The Time Travelling Cat and the Egyptian Goddess Music: I can explore changes to pitch, duration, dynamics, tempo, timbre, texture and structure History: I can sequence events, objects or pieces of information on a timeline. I can describe some similarities and differences between people (e.g. rich and poor), events and beliefs in the period of history I am studying. I can make some comments about why people did things, why events happened and what happened as a result R E S P C T Curriculum Threads: I am independent- An assessment piece of writing at the end of the topic. Children can choose how they wish to present this. I am promoting British Values: To learn about the Rule of Law- comparing modern day England with Ancient Egypt. I feel well- How well being is promoted in modern day, compared to life in Ancient Egypt. Cross Curricular Links: Through English exploring myths and legends. Within our mathematics lessons. The Egyptians worshipped the sun god, Ra. He was the most important god because he gave light and warmth- links to Science- exploring light sources. River Nile PSHE Resolve differences, by looking at alternatives, making decisions and explaining choices. Explore similarities and differences WOW Moment! An Art experience at the ArtWorks. Pyramids Hieroglyphics Computing: Creating power point presentations, to interest and inform. Parents! We need you… Friday 8th December Christmas Crafts 9 until 11am

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