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Forest accounts in Finland and in the European Union

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1 Forest accounts in Finland and in the European Union
Regional Seminar on Energy & Forest Accounts 3-6 September 2019, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Jukka Muukkonen

2 Outline Forest accounts in the framework for environmental accounting (SEEA) Accounts for forestry and logging industry in the European System of National accounting (ESA) Organization of environmental accounting and forest accounting in Finland European Forest Accounts (EFA) Development and implementation of forest accounting in Finland Data sources for forest accounting Use of environmental accounting and forest accounting in Finland and in the European Union

3 Environmental accounting (SEEA) in short:
Brings together economic and environmental information in a common framework to measure the contribution of the environment to the economy and the impact of the economy on the environment Content of the statistical standard SEEA CF (2012, ‘rather new’) : Physical Flow Accounts Environmental Activity Accounts and Related Flows Asset Accounts Environmental accounting in EU countries is an application of the SEEA CF. In the near future EU is focusing on physical and monetary flows. in 2019 EU countries provide mandatory accounts on economy-wide material flows, and by industry air emissions, physical energy flows, environmental taxes, environmental expenditures and environmental goods and services.

4 Stocks and flows in environmental accounting
Stocks physical and monetary Flows, supply and use by industry and by material phys & monet Mineral and energy resources: metals, other minerals, oil, gas, coal, peat Land (space) Soil Timber: cultivated, natural Aquatic resources: cultivated, natural Other biological resources Water: surface, ground, soil water Changes in stocks Growth, discoveries Extraction, natural losses, catasrophes Reappraisals, revaluations Natural inputs: material, air, water, space, light, heat, wind, other flows Products in the economy: raw materials, intermediate products, final products Residuals: waste, emissions into air, emissions into water, dissipative residuals and losses, natural resource residuals Environmental expenditures Environmental goods and services Environmental taxes Environmental subsidies Other environmental transfers: e.g. licences, emission trade, …

5 Forestry and logging sector in National Accounts
Silviculture and other forestry activities include activities related to growing of forests and forestry, such as forest cultivation, prevention of forest damages, and income from felling. Logging includes felling and short distance hauling of industrial wood and firewood, as well as making of timber used in its unrefined form. Support services to forestry include forestry planning and other general promotion activities of forestry, e.g. activities of forestry societies and forestry boards, as well as training of forest owners. Net growth of forests includes the difference between the gross growth of timber and felling

6 Forestry in National Accounts

7 Forestry and forest industries in National Accounts

8 3. Organization of environmental accounting and forest accounting in Finland

9 Economic and Environmental Statistics at Statistics Finland
Steering group for price statistics Consumer and Housing Prices Cost Indicators Steering group for national accounts National Accounts Government Finance and Sector Accounts Balance of payments statistics Steering group for environmental statistics Environment and Energy Greenhouse Gas Inventory

10 Co-operation Group for Environmental Accounts
Communication with / between interest groups Co-operation in international affairs Other possible issues Members from Ministry of the Environment, Finnish Environment Institute Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, Natural Resource Institute Finland Ministry of Employment and Economy, Ministry of Finance, Government Institute for Economic Research Prime Minister’s Office Finland Thule-institute of University of Oulu The Federation of Finnish Technology Industries

11 Co-operation between authorities essential
Statistics Finland focuses on environmental statistics and accounts describing pressures, responses and driving forces. Statistics on natural resources and state of the environment are compiled mainly by research institutes close to the government. Co-operation between Statistics Finland, ministries and research institutes is regular and well organized. Co-operation is a key to effective use of all possible data sources of environmental statistics and accounts. The development of dissemination (incl. statistical information and publications) is about to start.

12 Main environmental statistics of other authorities
State of the Environment Pressures Renewable Natural Resources Non-Renewable Natural Resources Finnish Environment Institute Water Biodiversity Air Emissions (excl. traffic) Waste Water Discharges Natural Resources Institute Forest Fish and Game Land (National Land Survey of Finland Ministry of the Environment) Finnish Meteorological Institute Air Quality Long-range transport of air pollutants: Technical Research Centre of Finland Air Emissions from Traffic Finnish Safety and Chemicals Agency Mineral (Geological Survey of Finland)

13 Forest accounts in regular production
Compilation of forest accounts by environmental accounts team of Statistics Finland from 1992 to Close co-operation with Natural Resource Institute Finland. Annual publication 11 months after end of reference year (t+11). Time series starting from 1980. Annual resource demand 0,5 – 1 month for 1 person, depending on his/her experience and changes in source data systems. From May 2019 Forest accounts are compiled in Natural Resource Institute Finland, by updated methodology and ICT- system.

14 4. European Forest Accounts (EFA)

15 Stages of development and implementation
Broad framework (IEEAF) in 1990s Developed by task force consisting of Eurostat,several member states of the EU, and consulting companies 19 tables on physical assets, economic as well as environmental aspects related to forests and thus addressed a range of forest ecosystem services. Pilot studies and statistics in EU- countries Simplified framework (EFA) in 2016 Developed by task force consisting of Eurostat and some member states experienced in forest accounting EFA is aligned with the SEEA2012 statistical standard, SEEA-AFF and also fit the requirements of the System of National Accounting (SNA). Not mandatory for EU-countries, but highly recommended that economic aggregates of the forestry and logging industry are reported annually.

16 Overview of priority tables of the EFA

17 Asset accounts for wooded land and timber

18 Economic aggregates of the forestry and logging industry (excluding other industries)

19 Economic aggregates of the forestry and logging industry (excluding other industries) cont.

20 Economic aggregates of the forestry and logging industry (excluding other industries) cont.

21 Monetary supply and use of wood in the rough

22 Physical supply and use of wood in the rough

23 5. Development and implementation of forest accounting in Finland 1990-2019

24 Path to current forest accounts of Finland
Development of forest accounts started at Statistics Finland in as a part of a development project on natural resource accounting. Initiative came from Ministry of agriculture and forestry. Forest accounts were published first time in 1992, including tables on timber balance, use balance and mass balance. Annual compilation of forest accounts started in Content was decreased to use balance, mass balance and some tables on energy use and emissions of forestry and forest industries. Compilation of forest accounts was shifted to Natural Resource Institute of Finland in spring 2019

25 Current forest accounts in Finland
In forest accounts, use and mass balances are used to describe the supply of wood and forest industry products from different sources, their utilization in the forest industry and energy generation, and the flows of wood material in the national economy. In addition, the statistics present information on foreign trade in forest industry products in terms of dry-matter tons of wood. The use balance presents in one compact table information on the supply of wood and forest industry products, foreign trade, use and production of wood by branch of the forest industry and by product category. In the mass balance, all forest industry raw materials and products are converted into a uniform unit of measurement: dry-matter tons of wood. In the mass balance, the tying up of all wood material in roundwood, intermediate products, end products, fuels and waste is monitored.

26 The core tables of Finnish Forest accounts
The use balance as one compact table on Supply of wood and forest industry products Foreign trade, Use and production of wood by branch of the forest industry and by product category. In the mass balance All forest industry raw materials and products are converted into a uniform unit of measurement: dry-matter tons of wood. Tying up of all wood material in roundwood, intermediate products, end products, fuels and waste is monitored.

27 The main data sources for forest accounting
Statistics Finland Labour Force Survey Business structure statistics Register of Enterprises and Establishments Statistics on finances and activities of municipalities and joint municipal authorities Tax data on corporation and personal taxation Household survey Detailed monetary supply-use tables Natural Resource Institute Finland Forest inventory data and statistics Data on felling on industrial wood by region logging outturn and growing stock removals forestry and forest improvement work trade of industrial wood trade of energy wood stumpage income

28 The main data sources for forest accounting
Finnish Forest and Park Service Operating report Annual survey conducted by the Agency for Rural Affairs on the volume of berries and mushrooms that arrive at stores  Separate analysis on the calculation of value changes in the timber reserve by Statistics Finland and Natural Resources Institute Finland


30 Tying up of wood material in end products (in dry-matter of wood)

31 Use balance of timber and timber products 2017

32 Use balance cont.

33 Use balance 2008

34 Information provided by forest accounts
According to the forest sector’s mass balance, as much as 56% of all wood material used in Finland in 2017 was used for energy generation, and 43% was bound in forest industry products. The main groups’ shares of the total consumption have remained almost unchanged since 2012. A fifth of all wood material was bound in the production of paper and paperboard. The share of wood pulp was 9% and the share of sawn goods 12%. Production chains of wood and pulp and paper industries are very effective, but CO2 emissions from combustion of wood are at rather high level.

35 7. Use of environmental accounting and forest accounting in Finland and in the European Union. Experiences and expectations for forest accounting

36 Experiences on forest accounting
The most of the basic physical and monetary data needed for forest accounts were and are well available in Finland. Greenhouse gas inventory for IPCC and Kyoto Protocol purposes increased the need to calculate annual balances for timber and wooded land. Compact tables of forest accounts condense information from very wide forest statistics. Development and compilation of forest accounts was very much benefitted of continuous co-operation between Forest statisticians National accountants Environmental accountants Environmental statisticians In a country like Finland with very good basic forest statistics, supply and use of wood turned out to be more intresting than annual balances on wooded land and timber.

37 Experiences on forest accounting
Several frameworks for forest accounting: SEEA2012 SEEA-Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Integrated environmental and economic accounting for forests European forest accounting All frameworks are based on same theoretical starting points, but focus is in different points: forest assets, flows of wood and timber, economic information on forestry

38 Use of forest accounts To plan and monitor various political goals and targets Sustainable forest management Multiple use of forests: timber production, production of other forest goods, sink of carbon, accessibility to citizens Biodiversity protection, protection against avalanches, soil protection, groundwater formation, sustainable use of wood, Circular economy, bioeconomy, green growth Sustainable use of wood as a renewable natural resource In replacing material and energy use of non-renewable resources Durable wood products as a sink of carbon Increase information and knowledge on forests and use of wood by clear and condensed tables.

39 Forest accounts with other accounts and statistics
In the context of environmental accounting, forest accounting has several links to Economy-wide material flow accounting Energy accounts / other physical supply-use tables Air emission accounts Forest accounting is also linked to National accounts Greenhouse gas inventory Forest statistics These connections can improve effectivenes of compilation processes of these accounts and statistics. And especially enlargen the use of them and forest accounts in providing indicators and information on relationships between environment and economy.

40 Future wishes and plans on forest accounting
European Union Annual production of forest accounts in all member countries, where forest have a remarkable role in environment and economy. Linking forest accounts data to other data on environment and economy. Development of ecosystem accounting, that includes ecosystem services provided by forests. Finland Annual compilation of all priority tables of the European forest accounting. Use for policy planning and monitoring from many different angles: environment, energy, economy, circular economy, sustainable development, green growth etc. Expand forest accounts to more environmental accounts by including ecosystem services into the accounts.

41 Conclusions Finnish forest acounts consist of two main parts:
Economic accounts for forestry and logging industry Physical supply-use tables of timber and timber products Information on assets of wooded land and timber is included into ’traditional’ forest statistics, but could be presented in accounting framework. Existing frameworks of forest accounting cand be applied to country and country group specific needs. Applications should align with the SEEA2010 statistical standard (as e.g. the SEEA-AFF and EFA do).

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