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Environmental accounts overview Viveka Palm Head of Unit, Environmental Accounts and Natural Resources, Statistics Sweden

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental accounts overview Viveka Palm Head of Unit, Environmental Accounts and Natural Resources, Statistics Sweden"— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental accounts overview Viveka Palm Head of Unit, Environmental Accounts and Natural Resources, Statistics Sweden

2 System of Environmental and Economic Accounts, SEEA

3 The environmental accounts National Accounts Environm. statistics Environmental Accounts

4 Three components of SEEA Flows of materials per industry (energy, material, emissions, waste) Economic variables (labour, taxes, subsidies, costs, products and services) Natural resources (stocks, quality, value )

5 Sectors - Industries - Products Sectors IndustriesProduct/service

6 Driving forces Pressure State Impact Response Population Energy use Industry Transport Emissions Waste Physical, chemical and biological state Air-, water- and Land quality Bad health Threatened species Econ.losses Laws Taxes, subsidies New technology DPSIR-model

7 Industries, government, households capital work force material energy goods services waste emissions

8 Regular publishing Energy use per industry and final demand Emissions to air Environmental taxes and subsidies Environmental protection expenditure Chemical product use Material flow analysis Environmental goods and services

9 Non-regular publishing Indicators for sustainable development Water-, Land-, Forest accounts Household accounts Decomposition analysis Regional environmental accounts


11 Taxes and subsidies in the environmental accounts Subsidies: 1) Product- and other production subsidies 2) Investment grants Taxes: 1) Product- and other production taxes 2) Other levies (e.g. charges) 3) Tax subsidies

12 Environmental tax revenue by type, EU-27, 1995-2009 (EUR and % GDP)

13 Distribution of CO2 tax revenues, emissions rights, CO2 emissions covered by the trading scheme and total CO2 emissions in Sweden by Industry (NACE)

14 Environmental taxes ● The OECD and EUROSTAT definition “…it has been chosen to single out the tax bases that seem to have a particular environmental relevance, and to consider all taxes levied on these tax bases as environmentally related regardless of the motives behind their introduction, their names etc.”

15 Energy tax and fuel use by industry

16 SEEA and basic energy statistics Time series in focus Transport energy use by industry, not sector Data on renewable energy needed (car fuel e.g.) Small business: enumerating the surveys by industry (NACE), avoiding reporting labels like ‘other’ sector. Different system boundary SNA/air emission statistics: Fuels that are not bought and sold (by- products) are outside of SNA, but inside env. stat. ● Energy taxes and subsidies ● A ‘new’ user group: the modelers of environmental - economic instruments

17 Data, reports and webtool

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