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Presentation on theme: "Verbs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Verbs

2 A verb is an action word What are some examples of verbs in English?
What is a verb? A verb is an action word What are some examples of verbs in English?

3 Infinitive An infinitive is the most basic form of a verb. For example: To play To laugh To run To eat To sleep Can you think of 5 infinitives?

4 Conjugation A conjugation is what happens when you pair in infinitive with a subject. For example: To sleep: I sleep / I am sleeping To eat: He eats / He is eating To write: She writes / She is writing Can you come up with a conjugation for the following verbs: To dance To think To party

5 Conjugation or infinitive?
Tell me if the following are conjugations or infinitives… To tap Drink Look To sing To drive To talk Talk Type To study

6 Subject Pronouns A pronoun is… anything that replaces a noun
A subject pronoun is… the pronoun that replaces the subject English subject pronouns are… French subject pronouns are… Let’s talk Tu v Vous, Il/Elle v Ils/Elles English French I Je We Nous You Tu Vous He Il They (m) Ils She Elle They (f) Elles

7 Our first verb Être = to be
Ex) I am happy, You are French, We are late Watch the following video for pronunciation Here are the conjugations Je suis Nous sommes Tu es Vous êtes Il/Elle est Ils/elles sont

8 Using it in a sentence I am French Je suis français(e) You are English Tu es anglais(e) She is Canadian Elle est canadienne

9 Fill in the blank Fill in the blank with the appropriate form of être
Je _________ américaine Tu _________ canadien Nous __________ français Vous __________ francophone Ils ___________ ici (here) Elle _________ la (there)

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