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English Religious Education Maths Character Curriculum Daily Mile

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1 English Religious Education Maths Character Curriculum Daily Mile
We start the term by continuing our fiction book ‘Wanted: The Perfect Pet’ We will look at the story as a three part structure using chapter markers to show each section. By the end of the journey the children will write their own three part story. Our second book is “This is How We Do It” which is an amazing non-fiction book where we look at the way different children live around the world. The children research and ask questions to find out more about these children and at the end of the journey write about their own lives so we can create our own class version of ‘This is How We Do It”. Religious Education Our big questions this half term is “Why Should We Look After Our World?” and then as part of out Easter celebrations “What do Eggs Have to do With Easter?” Maths We start by completing our final week of place value to 50 by ordering and comparing numbers and then counting in 2s and 5s. We then learn about a variety of measures by looking at length and height followed by weight and volume. We will measure using non-standard and standards units, learn about estimation and accuracy to help us improve our measuring skills. Character Curriculum This half term we will be exploring the virtues of making new friends, how to be a patient partner and learning about respect through the story of the Ugly Duckling. Year 1 Spring Term 2 Topic: History of Transport Big Question: How has transport changed through the years? Wow Start: Balloon car race Fantastic finish: Trip to Brooklands Museum Daily Mile The aim of The Daily Mile is to improve the physical, social, emotional and mental health and wellbeing of our children. Children are physically active (run, jog or walk) for 15 mins a day, 3 times a week. Topic This half term we will be looking at the History of Transport and learn about Journeys by air and Journeys by land. We will talk about and create timelines to show how modes of transport have changed as well as learning about the Wright Brothers and George Stephenson. In music we will be using our voices and instruments to learn songs linked to travel and machines. STEM In Science we will be looking at materials; their properties and how these can change. We will be investigating and experimenting the best uses for different materials. For Computing we will be looking at data handling and coding through Lego building. P.E Our PE focus this half term is Dance, where we will be learning to move our bodies and create dances based on different stimulus. In Real PE we will developing our creative skills, thinking about how we can move in different ways through using balls and counter balances.

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