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1 3

2 Practice pronouncing pair of words.
pit tip pat tap

3 Practice pronouncing pair of words.
mad dam pan nap

4 Practice pronouncing pair of words.
tub but ant tan

5 Practice pronouncing pair of words.
pin nip pal lap

6 Practice pronouncing pair of words.
pot top map Pam

7 Practice pronouncing pair of words.
not ton ring grin

8 Read them aloud. a mad lad a hot spot

9 Read them aloud. the best test a quick trick

10 Read them aloud. a sad Dad a hot pot

11 Read them aloud. a big wig a black snack

12 Read them aloud. a chopped shop a fat cat

13 Read the group of words. sick slip slide slit

14 Read the group of words. dead bead thread head

15 Read the group of words. guess chess cheese bless

16 Read the group of words. black slack flake slap

17 Read the group of words. crop drop chop hope

18 Read the group of words. grin green grill grip

19 Read the group of words. slash splash flash flesh

20 Read the group of words. hug bug mug huge

21 My legs hurt because I played football the whole day.
Read the group of words. My legs hurt because I played football the whole day.

22 Timmy likes banana chips as snacks.
Read the group of words. Timmy likes banana chips as snacks.

23 Red traffic light means stop.
Read the group of words. Red traffic light means stop.

24 Mother needs a pack of matches.
Read the group of words. Mother needs a pack of matches.

25 Read the group of words. I hope to go to heaven.

26 This rug looks very expensive.
Read the group of words. This rug looks very expensive.

27 The man disappeared in flash.
Read the group of words. The man disappeared in flash.

28 Pam likes toasted bread with butter.
Read the group of words. Pam likes toasted bread with butter.

29 Read the group of words. Mom gave me a tight hug.

30 The volcano spewed hot flaming rocks.
Read the group of words. The volcano spewed hot flaming rocks.

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