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Mr. Lozier’s Class I am thankful for…. My family mom dad and my little sister azaia.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Lozier’s Class I am thankful for…. My family mom dad and my little sister azaia."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Lozier’s Class I am thankful for…

2 My family mom dad and my little sister azaia

3 I am thankful for… My family and friends

4 I am thankful for… My Game

5 I am thankful for … My life

6 I thankful for … My family

7 I am thankful for … My friends and money

8 I am thankful for… My sister

9 I am thankful for… All things God gave me

10 I thankful for… My games

11 I am thankful for... I am thankful for... My family and football

12 I am thankful for... My life and my sister

13 I am thankful for… Family and friends

14 I am thankful for… God and Jesus

15 I am thankful for … My games

16 I am thankful for... My friends and family

17 I am thankful for… My games

18 I am thankful for… My family and friend

19 I am thankful for… Mom and dad and boys

20 I am thankful for... My whole family

21 Thank You… To all of the students that worked hard to complete their slide for this class project

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