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English Settlements in the New World

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1 English Settlements in the New World

2 Background England was different from the other countries because the King and Queen had limited power Spain and Portugal was focused on South America France and England on North America

3 England begins establishing colonies in North America in the late 1500’s
Colonies provided England with new raw materials

4 Early Efforts England tried to establish colonies 2x in the 1580’s on Roanoke Island Off the coast of North Carolina Failed both times The second time is a great mystery in 1587 because nobody knows what happened to the explorers


6 Jamestown

7 Jamestown A group of wealthy people in 1606 set sail in hopes of establishing English colonies in North America. Formed the Virginia Company of London King James I financed the voyage 105 men were aboard these three ships

8 Arrived in April, 1607 and established the colony
England’s first settlement in North America 2/3 die within the first year

9 Reasons for England’s Explorations
Find Gold Spread Religion Establish Colonies for England Find a passage to the Pacific Ocean Overcrowding in Europe

10 Problems at Jamestown No experience farming
Spent time looking for gold (found none) Thought the Native Americans were going to feed them

11 John Smith Sent from England in the fall, 1608
“He who works not, eats not” Raided Indian villages for food Smith is injured and returns to England Relationship with Natives declined after that

12 Winter of 1609-1610 was the starving time because the Natives stop supplying food to the English

13 Jamestown Prospers England did not give up on Jamestown
Continued sending colonists Offered them free land Begin growing tobacco Native to the land Dependable source of income Becomes very popular

14 Government House of Burgesses
Representative government-voters elect people to make laws for them Pass laws and set taxes Worked with the appointed governor Marked the start of representative government in North America

15 Africans Began arriving in 1619 Indentured servants at first
Not until last part of the 1600’s did permanent slavery in Virginia start

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