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Chapter 17 study guide answers

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1 Chapter 17 study guide answers
The South Plantations grew food crops Jefferson Davis Served as laborers then after 1863 fought in battles. as a Confederate nurse Certain rights were suspended for public safety, income tax created to pay for the war, farm production went up and women worked in the factories

2 The need for more training and the war was going to last a while
7. Civilians would suffer the same hardships as the enemy. Destroy anything of usefulness (food, equipment) Democrats lose power in govt., bonds between states became stronger, secede-NO, federal govt. became stronger, slavery came to an end The need for more training and the war was going to last a while To keep the Union together added ending slavery to the Union goals several Southern states seceded in protest

3 13. The MS river 14. A man could avoid the draft by paying the Govt. or by hiring someone to serve in your place TN is closer to Union territory Believed they were fighting for independence destroy food and equipment that might be useful, not restrict war to soldiers, and place hardships on both civilians and soldiers served as nurses couldn’t get itself organized

4 When public safety requires it
Because of the city’s location on the MS river Confederates were no longer in a position to fight effectively Lincoln was not even put on Southern ballots fighting on home territory, fighting for their way of life Confederate states in rebellion against the Union The rising number of dead forced them to enlist more Used total war strategy siege of Vicksburg, Union win at Gettysburg, union gets control of MS river, and Gettysburg address

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