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Schoolwide Improvement Plan

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1 Schoolwide Improvement Plan
Manson Middle School

2 How did we do last year? STAR
Reading – 40% of students were proficient 0.5 years’ growth Math – 19% of students were proficient 1.1 years’ growth SBA Reading = 36% were proficient Math = 23% met growth goal ELPA21 4 students exited bilingual program (8 %)

3 Elementary: Data Review/Analysis
STAR Reading & Math district assessment Smarter Balanced ELA & Math ELPA21 state assessment Behavior Expectations/Student Plans

4 Student Support Priorities
HOUSE w/ Agile Mind to support middle school students as we create a culture of learning, accountability, growth, community, and spirit. Building Relationships How our Brain Learns Motivation Good Communication Mindset Persistence Every Friday during 5th period

5 Student Support Priorities
Narrowing the achievement gap through specific strategies and techniques to support learning of all students, specifically language and economically diverse students. Interventions in Reading, Writing, and Math while building a rich, academic language vocabulary Dynamic grouping to support language acquisition and access to content with room for growth Turn & Talks for language acquisition and concept development 140 minutes a week for all 6th and 7th graders.

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