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4 Some Statistics Illicit Drug Use 8th Grade 10th Grade 12th Grade
Lifetime 21.5 39.8 51.1 Annual 15.5 31.1 38.8 30-day 8.4 18.3 23.4

5 What are illicit drugs? Cocaine, not Crack Cigarettes/Nicotine Alcohol
Inhalants Prescription Drugs Ritalin Rohypnol Vicodin OxyContin Marijuana MDMA (Ecstasy) Methamphetamine GHB and Ketamine LSD Anabolic Tik Cocaine, not Crack Cigarettes/Nicotine Alcohol Heroin Crack cocaine PCP Amphetamines Tranquilizers Sedatives Methaqualone

6 What to Look for… Absenteeism Change in Behavior Change in Academic Performance Problems controlling mood and behavior Neglected Physical Appearance Weight loss Peer concern Some Physical Signs: bruises and other marks on arms or other vein-laden areas (neck, behind knees), bloodshot eyes, sniffling nose, dilated pupils, etc.


8 Causes?Oorsake Unemployment and poverty/Werkloosheid
Unstable family/Onstabiele familie Peer pressure/Groepsdruk Community/Samelewing Lack of supervision/Geen toesig nie Availability/Beskikbaarheid Exposure/Blootstelling Media

9 Short term consequences Korttermyngevolge
Increased heart rate/Verhoogde hartklop Dizziness/Duiseligheid Mood changes/Gemoedsveranderinge Nausea/Naarheid Memory loss/Geheueverlies High blood pressure/Hoë bloeddruk Tremors Sleep disorders/Slaapversteurings Constipation/Hardlywigheid Paranoia

10 Long term Paranoia Mental illness/Geestes siektes
Strained relationships/Slegte verhoudings Immune deficiencies/Immuungebrek Organ damage/Orgaanskade Exposure to HIV and AIDS/Blootstelling aan MIV en VIGS


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