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AGENDA Finish up with Chapter 11 Lecture on prisons and jails Slide 22.

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Presentation on theme: "AGENDA Finish up with Chapter 11 Lecture on prisons and jails Slide 22."— Presentation transcript:

1 AGENDA Finish up with Chapter 11 Lecture on prisons and jails Slide 22

2 Info for Final Exam BRING SCANTRON 882-E Final will be here in this classroom on June 6th NO CLASS ON TUESDAY, JUNE 4th

3 Solitary Confinement The isolation of a prisoner in a separate cell as a punishment.

4 Current News on Prison and Jail incidents
Joshua tree, San Bernardino County Sheriff’s Jail SuperMax Prison in Colorado

5 Chapter 11 Prisons and jails

6 Funny Prison Pictures

7 https://www. youtube. com/watch. v=r_ACIkiLH2A https://www. youtube

8 Prisons

9 Medical costs of some prisoners
Steven Martinez Quadriplegic prisoner who was knifed during an attack while incarcerated. He is serving a 157 year sentence for numerous felonies that he committed during the violent rape of woman in 1998 Steven Martinez was convicted of several counts of violent rape in 1998 after he drove his car over a woman, assaulted her, kidnapped her and then raped her.

10 Medical costs cont’d Medical parole requested The medical care he needs have been costing the state $625, per year His stabbing attack was 10 years ago

11 A California appeals court has granted the release of a quadriplegic rapist who was considered an excessive cost to the state. Released-from-Prison html

12 Brief History of Prisons
Relatively a new development in punishment for breaking the law A little over 200 years Prior to the development of prison, early punishments were often cruel and torturous

13 Brief History of Prisons Cont’d
Early punishments Flogging Mutilation Torture Branding Public Humiliation Workhouses

14 Flogging

15 Mutilation

16 Torture

17 Branding

18 Public Humiliation

19 Workhouses An early form of imprisonment whose purpose was to instill habits of industry in the idle In describing a person or machine, idle means the act of nothing or no work (for example: "John Smith is an idle person")

20 Workhouses

21 Workhouses cont’d

22 Workhouses cont’d Workhouses, which vaguely resembled today’s prisons, developed relatively late in history of Western Europe Primarily used to house debtors, the unemployed and vagrants Vagrants, a person without a settled home or regular work who wanders from place to place and lives by begging.

23 Vagrant

24 Prisons Today There are approximately 1,720 state prisons and 119 federal prisons in operation across the country today

25 2.3 million people are confined nationwide
1.3 are in state prions Over 7000 are for violent crimes

26 Overcrowding

27 Overcrowding cont’d What can be done?

28 California’s PSR Program Public Safety Realignment
California's Public Safety Realignment initiative represents an attempt by the state of California to reduce its state prison population by shifting much of that population to county jails. It was the result of a court-order in response to shortfalls in medical and mental health care for the state's prison population

29 Assembly Bill 109 AB 109, or Assembly Bill 109, was passed by voters in California in It is often referred to simply as “realignment.” The goal of AB 109 is to divert people who are convicted of felonies that are not defined as serious to local country jails.

30 1. Low-level offenders convicted of felonies serve their sentence in county jails rather than state prisons 2. Low-level felony offenders released from state prison or county jails on parole are supervised on the county level 3. Low-level felony offenders who violate their parole, may be returned to county jails not state prisons Low-level offenders released from prison are placed on Post Release Community Supervision (PRCS) Supervision administered at the county level

31 Prison Classification
During the process when you enter a prison you are classified

32 California State Prisons

33 California State Prisons cont’d

34 Federal Prisons Supermax
Colorado, location of the SuperMax Prison

35 Leavenworth Federal Prison

36 Jails Jails are locally operated short-term confinement facilities originally built to hold suspects following arrest and pending trial

37 Private Prisons

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