Arabic Language 3 ﺍﻟﻟﻐﺔﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﯾﺔ

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1 Arabic Language 3 ﺍﻟﻟﻐﺔﺍﻟﻌﺮﺑﯾﺔ
Compounds Dr Muhammad S Anwar

2 Compounds - ﻤﺮﻜﺏ A combination of two or more words is called ﻤﺮﻜﺏ.
The relation between the words called ﺗﺮﻜﻴﺏ. Compounds are of two types: Complete compounds (ﻤﺮﻜﺏﺗﺎﻡ) Incomplete compounds (ﻤﺮﻜﺏﻨﺎﻗﺺ)

3 1. Complete Compounds - ﻤﺮﻜﺏﺗﺎﻡ
A combination of words from which some information, command or wish is understood E.g. الرَّجُلُ حَسَنٌ : The man is good (statement) خُذِ الكِتَابَ : Take the book (command) ارْزُقْنِى رَبِّ : O my sustainer, grant me sustenance (request)

4 2. Incomplete Compounds (ﻤﺮﻜﺏﻨﺎﻗﺺ)
A combination of words from which no information, order or desire is understood. It is an incomplete statement. E.g. رَجُلٌ حَسَنٌ : a good man كِتابُ رَجُلٍ : a man’s book

5 2. Incomplete Compounds (ﻤﺮﻜﺏﻨﺎﻗﺺ)
They are of several types: ﻤﺮﻜﺐﺗﻭﺻﻴﻔﻰ ﻤﺮﻜﺐﺍﺿﺎﻔﻰ ﻤﺮﻜﺐﻋﺩﺪﻯ مركب اشارى These incomplete compounds form part of a sentence.

6 Adjectival Phrase - ﻤﺮﻜﺏﺗﻮﺻﻴﻔﻰ
A compound of words in which the second word describes or qualifies the first word. E.g. رَجُلٌ صَالِحٌ – a pious man The word ﺻﺎﻟﺢ describes the words ﺮﺠﻝ with the quality of piety.

7 مركب توصيفى – Adjectival Compound
Two or more nouns Both should correspond with each other in four things: Definitiveness Gender Number Declension

8 مركب توصيفى – Adjectival Compound
Declension Definitiveness Number Gender مذكر مؤنث واحد تثنية جمع مرفوع منصوب مجرور معرفة نكرة

9 Adjectival Phrase - ﻤﺮﻜﺏﺗﻮﺻﻴﻔﻰ
The first part of ﻤﺮﻜﺏﺗﻮﺻﻴﻔﻰ is called ﻤﻮﺻﻮﻑ The second part is called ﺻﻔﺔ E.g. رَجُلٌ صَالِحٌ رَجُلٌ is ﻤﻮﺻﻮﻑ & صَالِحٌ is ﺻﻔﺔ

10 Adjectival Phrase - ﻤﺮﻜﺏﺗﻮﺻﻴﻔﻰ
If the ﻤﻮﺻﻮﻑ is indefinite (ﻨﻜﺮﺓ), the ﺻﻔﺔ will also be indefinite (ﻨﻜﺮﺓ). E.g. وَلَدٌ صَغِيرٌ If the ﻤﻮﺻﻮﻑ is definite (ﻤﻌﺮﻔﺔ), the ﺻﻔﺔ will also be definite (ﻤﻌﺮﻔﺔ). E.g. الوَلَدُ الصَغِيرُ The same declension that applies to the ﻤﻮﺻﻮﻑ will apply to the ﺻﻔﺔ .

11 توصيفى مركب – Adjectival Compound
صفة معرفة نكرة مذكر مؤنث واحد تثنية جمع* اعراب موصوف جمع * One exception

12 بَيتٌ اَلبَيتُ الرَّجُلِ بَيتاً اَلبَيتَ اَلرَّجُلِ
ﺻﻔﺔ ﻣﻮﺻﻮف بَيتٌ اَلبَيتُ رَجُلٌ الرَّجُلِ بَيتاً اَلبَيتَ رَجُلٍ اَلرَّجُلِ

13 كَبِيرٌ بَيتٌ اَلكَبِيرُ اَلبَيتُ صَالِحٌ رَجُلٌ اَلصَّالِحِ الرَّجُلِ
ﺻﻔﺔ ﻣﻮﺻﻮف كَبِيرٌ بَيتٌ اَلكَبِيرُ اَلبَيتُ صَالِحٌ رَجُلٌ اَلصَّالِحِ الرَّجُلِ كَبِيرًا بَيتاً اَلكَبِيرَ اَلبَيتَ صَالحٍ رَجُلٍ اَلرَّجُلِ


15 Exercise The strong place The small house A beautiful flower
The ugly man The broad street A pious man The sweet milk The just king The great palace The easy lesson A beautiful horse The wide house The sweet fruit The good horse A small place The good bread or the good milk A pious boy and a transgressing boy The large mosque and a small garden

16 Home Work Revise the lesson on day 2nd and 7th .
Do the exercises from lesson 1 & 2 again Memorise the vocabulary from lesson 1 & 2 Find 10 adjectival compounds from Qur’an

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