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Ch. 4.4 The Glory that was Greece

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1 Ch. 4.4 The Glory that was Greece

2 FQ: November 2 Tell me about something funny.
What’s your best clean joke? Who’s your favorite comedian? What makes them so entertaining?

3 The Glory that was Greece
Greek thinkers, artists, and writers explored the nature of the universe and peoples place in it. To some, Greek development in the arts represented the height of human development in the Western world.

4 Philosophers: lovers of wisdom
They explored many subjects: math, music, logic, astronomy, etc. Thought that through reason and observation they could discover laws that governed the universe. Modern science traces its roots from the Greek search for these principles.

5 Philosophers: lovers of wisdom
Some debate what kind of govt is best and what standards (laws) should rule human behavior. Sophists questioned accepted ideas. Used rhetoric, the art of skillful speaking, to persuade.

6 Socrates: Athenian stonemason and philosopher
Wrote no books Plato was his student Socratic method: Pose a series of questions Challenge people to see the implication of their answers

7 Socrates: philosopher
To some this questioning was a threat to accepted values and traditions. Put on trial when he was about 70. Accused of corrupting the cities youth and failing to respect the gods. Found guilty—sentenced to death—drank hemlock.

8 Plato Distrusted democracy after Socrates death.
Left Athens for 10 years Returned to form a school, The Academy

9 Plato Wrote, The Republic, describing the ideal state.
It is in peoples best interest that the state should regulate all parts of peoples lives The ideal society should be divided into 3 classes Workers: produce necessities Soldiers: defend the state Philosophers: rule The wisest philosopher/king would have ultimate authority

10 Aristotle: pursues the Golden Mean
Plato’s most famous student Suspicious of democracy: could lead to mob rule Favors a single strong virtuous leader Addressed how people should live Good conduct means pursuing the Golden Mean A moderate course btwn extremes

11 Aristotle Set up a school, The Lyceum, to study all branches of knowledge. Wrote on politics, ethics, logic, biology, literature, and more 1500 years later European universities bases their courses on his works and ideas

12 Architecture Greek architects try to convey a sense of perfect balance to reflect the harmony and order of the universe. Parthenon—temple—most famous—dedicated to goddess Athena




16 Famous Greek Writers All 3 write tragedies: stories of human suffering that usually end in disaster Aeschylus Sophocles: Antigone: what happens when a persons moral duty conflicts w/ the laws of the state Euripides: The Trojan Women: suggests that humans, not gods, are the cause of human suffering Aristophanes—comedies—using humor some criticized politicians of the day, like political cartoonists

17 Historians Herodotus—called the father of history b/c stressed the importance of research to get info correct, not just listing names and dates or retelling legends Thucydides—need to avoid bias


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