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Pre-History and the Stone Age

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1 Pre-History and the Stone Age
Pre historic people learned very quickly to use nature and its abilities to make life easier

2 A. Stone Age Culture Called this because of the popularity of stones used in all areas of life Stone tools were a way of life but they also made tools from wood and animal bones

3 Archeologists divide the stone age into 3 periods
Old Stone age Middle Stone age New Stone age The two first periods mainly focused on hunting and gathering due to the fact farming was not introduced yet

4 B. Fire Once fire was learned ( historians are not sure how) they realized it uses Heat, Protection, cooking, etc… This also allowed many to settle in areas that are colder

5 C. Settling new areas As travelers began settling new areas many learned to never actually stop but keep moving day to day and never really make a home these folks were known as Nomads

6 II. Beginning of Farming
Once farming is introduced we are entering the new stone age where tools and ideas are still of stone but have a main focus towards farming Early Farmers- as gatherers begin to find new plants and fruits in the wild they realized that many are filled with seeds this allows them to re-plant seeds Once farming grew people began to settle in areas and make it home Women’s roles expanded: gathers and took care of home


8 Farming around the world
Some areas provide fertile ground while some areas did not What else does plants need other than good soil? Light, warm weather, water? So growing seasons had to be learned and ideal locations also was by trial and error

9 Plant Selection Early stone age people took seeds from the biggest and best plants so what happens is they begin to domesticate plants or adapt wild plants for human use Ex. Corn used to be as small as a fun size candy bar until they learned the best ways to plant it

10 Raising Animals Humans learned to domesticate animals
They learned to tame wild animals and breed them for use on farms or to even keep as pets Dogs were the first domesticated animal used for hunting


12 Challenge of Domestication
Over history humans have tried and failed at domesticating certain animals People of India have tamed elephants and even used them in battle Ancient Egyptians tamed cheetah’s for hunting However how could these tame animals go bad? Could something happen? What are your opinions? Video time

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