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Early Human Lecture Notes. Tools to Discover ► Historians tell us that history began about 5,500 years ago when people began to write ► What we know about.

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Presentation on theme: "Early Human Lecture Notes. Tools to Discover ► Historians tell us that history began about 5,500 years ago when people began to write ► What we know about."— Presentation transcript:

1 Early Human Lecture Notes

2 Tools to Discover ► Historians tell us that history began about 5,500 years ago when people began to write ► What we know about the earlier people comes from things they left behind ► Archaeologists dig up and study artifacts ► The early period of human history is called the Stone Age  Why is it called this?

3 Who were the Hunter-Gatherers? ► During the Stone Age, early Paleolithic people spent most of their time using stones to make weapons.  These people were always on the move and were called nomads  Roles of Paleolithic women = stayed close to home, looked after children, searched nearby woods for food like berries and fruit  Roles of Paleolithic men = hunted animals, and made tools for the kill

4 Adapting to the Environment ► Paleolithic people made a life-changing discovery when they learned to tame fire. ► List 4 uses/benefits of fire ► 1. For heat ► 2. For Food ► 3. For light ► 4. Scare predators

5 What were the Ice Ages? ► Fire was a key to survival of Paleolithic people during the Ice Ages. ► Early humans had to do a few things to adapt to the conditions such as change their diet, build sturdier shelters, and use animal furs to make warm clothing


7 Language, Art, and Religion ► Spoken language made it far easier for people to work together and to pass on knowledge ► Early people also expressed themselves through art, which was put on cave walls

8 Invention of Tools ► Paleolithic people were the first to use technology - tools and methods to help humans perform tasks ► List a few of the earliest forms of technology in the blank space provided

9 Neolithic Times ► After the last Ice Age ended people began to domesticate or tame animals.  How did the people use animals ► People also learned how to grow grains, which allowed people to stay in one place. ► Farming replaced hunting and gathering ► This change marked the beginning of the Neolithic Age

10 Benefits of a settled life ► What made it possible for people to begin specializing?

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