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Chapter 1, Section 1 Pages 9-15

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1 Chapter 1, Section 1 Pages 9-15
The Stone Age Chapter 1, Section 1 Pages 9-15

2 What was the Old Stone Age
The Stone Age is also referred to as the Paleolithic Period

3 What was the Old Stone Age?
People were hunters and gatherers Hunted animals Gathered plants, berries, seeds & nuts

4 What was the Old Stone Age?
Nomads: move from place to place with no permanent home They moved from place to place to follow the wild animals they hunted and also moved with the season so they could have plants and berries to eat.

5 What was the Old Stone Age?
Develop fire Cook food Provided warmth Archeologists believe they made fire by rubbing two sticks together

6 What was the Old Stone Age?
Made tools from a stone called flint

7 What was the New Stone Age?
The New Stone Age is also called the Neolithic Period

8 What was the New Stone Age?
Domesticate animals Tame for human use

9 What was the New Stone Age?
Farming began People can live in one place, they are no longer nomadic People began to live in villages

10 What was the New Stone Age?
People traded extra food and goods such as baskets, pottery and tools This is called specialization

11 What was the New Stone Age?
Began to make tools from metal

12 Cornell Notes Summary What would you write as a summary answering the questions: What was the Old Stone Age? What was the New Stone Age

13 Summary During the Old Stone Age, or Paleolithic Period, humans were hunters and gatherers, nomads, and made their tools from stone. During the New Stone Age, or Neolithic Period, humans developed farming, domesticated animals, traded goods and made their tools from metal.

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