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Socialization “The process by which people learn, and take into themselves, culture and social structure.”

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1 Socialization “The process by which people learn, and take into themselves, culture and social structure.”

2 Two Competing Views of Socialization
Sigmund Freud ( ): Psychoanalysis Theory of how the self is formed (and deformed) And a method for helping self come to terms with society Three Elements of Self Id Instinctual drives; pleasure principle

3 Two Competing Views of Socialization
Superego: culture, internalized Ego: "referee" between id and superego Developmental Stages Oral Anal "Phallic" Criticisms unrepresentative "sample" cannot be generalized vastly oversimplifies

4 Two Competing Views of Socialization
George Herbert Mead ( ) self emerges through a process of symbolic interaction “action”: "behavior directed by the meanings people attach to their behavior and to the situation” Interaction: "behavior among two or more persons guided by mutual understandings of meaning" understandings occur through symbols

5 Two Competing Views of Socialization
Stages of Symbolic Interaction play Experimentation with a role “Taking on the attitude of significant others” game Purposeful activity among related roles “Taking on the attitude of the generalized other.”

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