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The BIG Review Part 1 of 2.

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Presentation on theme: "The BIG Review Part 1 of 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 The BIG Review Part 1 of 2

2 Pre-Civilization Hunting tribes showed what happened on their journeys
First dramatic play Used animal skins and hides for “costumes” Later used as teaching tool Good luck rituals

3 Ancient Greece Discovered genres of comedy and tragedy
Built first theaters Remember! Theater = space, Theatre = art form Solo male speaker Wore masks to discern different characters Chorus Many speakers moving in unison Stood in orchestra

4 Ancient Rome Followed Greek theatre Discovered mime Pantomime followed
Acting without words Pantomime followed Evolved from mime, uses masks and sound effects Mime spread to Southern Europe (France) Pantomime spread to UK

5 Middle Ages Medieval Ages or Dark Ages Religious overpowering
Theatre thought to be vulgar Became part of church services Tropes (short religious plays) created, then abandoned Moved to outside teams Cart stages = parades

6 Renaissance Rebirth of music and theatre
Italy championed pantomime and commedia dell’arte Many famous playwrights Marlowe Shakespeare Lope de Vega Moliere

7 Today After Renaissance and Romantic era, many plays are reused in pop culture Broadway becomes home to over 40 major theaters Theatre elements make up many industries Film Video games Dance Television

8 Blocking Stages used to be slanted Now, audiences are seated at angles
Stages divided into sections Upstage Downstage Left Right Center

9 Characters It’s important to understand characters so you can predict their actions Flat – boring, one or two traits Round – complex, many different traits (that’s you!) Stock – stereotype Static – unchanging Dynamic – changes throughout story

10 Dramatic Structure How we pace stories
Exposition – setting + characters Rising Action – conflict Climax – most intense event Falling Action – leading to end Denouement (Resolution) - ending

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