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Jeopardy The Game of Knowledge

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1 Jeopardy The Game of Knowledge

2 Reasons for Settlement
The 13 Colonies Jamestown or Plymouth Reasons for Settlement Geography Various 100 100 100 100 200 200 200 200 300 300 300 300 400 400 400 400 500 500 500 500

3 Jamestown, Plymouth or Both $100?
Pocahontas brought us food.

4 Jamestown, Plymouth or Both $100 Answer

5 Jamestown, Plymouth or Both $200?
Many of us died of disease at first. We were unprepared for the harsh environment.

6 Jamestown, Plymouth or Both $200 Answer
Jamestown and Plymouth

7 Jamestown, Plymouth or Both $300?
We came to get away form the official Church of England.

8 Jamestown, Plymouth or Both $300 Answer

9 Jamestown, Plymouth or Both $400?
The London Company sponsored our colony.

10 Jamestown, Plymouth or Both $400 Answer
Jamestown and Plymouth

11 Jamestown, Plymouth or Both $500?
John Rolfe brought tobacco to our colony and boy! did we begin to grow and prosper after his contribution.

12 Jamestown, Plymouth or Both $500 Answer

13 Geography $100? This was a major port in the New England Colonies.

14 Geography $100 Answer Boston

15 Geography $200? This region is characterized by subsistence farming, John Winthrop and the Great Migration.

16 Geography $200 Answer New England

17 Geography $300? This region is sometimes referred to as the “Bread Basket Colonies” because this is where lots of grain, wheat and corn was grown to feed the colonies.

18 Geography $300 Answer Middle Colonies

19 Geography $400? This region includes the colonies of Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey.

20 Geography $400 Answer Middle Colonies

21 Geography $500? This region has mild winters, rich soil, plantations, African slaves, and wealthy slave owners.

22 Geography $500 Answer Southern Region

23 Various $100? This person was the leader wanted to establish a “city on a hill” in Massachusetts.

24 Various $100 Answer John Winthrop

25 Various $200? I was the most successful leader of the Jamestown colony, I was accidentally wounded by a gun power explosion and had to return to England after only a few short months.

26 Various $200 Answer John Smith

27 Various $300? I was banished from Massachusetts for my differing beliefs in religion and for not following the Puritan religion. I met up with Roger Williams in RI.

28 Various $300 Answer Anne Hutchinson

29 Various $400? I was the leader of the Great Awakening ( ). I preached fire and brimstone sermons and helped spread a wave of religious enthusiasm throughout New England.

30 Various $400 Answer Jonathan Edwards

31 Various $500? We were a religious group that was tolerant of the views of others as well as the first abolitionists who settled in Pennsylvania.

32 Various $500 Answer The Quakers

33 Reasons for Settlement $100?
The reason that the Jamestown colony was established.

34 Reasons for Settlement $100 Answer
To gain wealth for England

35 Reasons for Settlement $200
This is the reason the puritans settled in New England

36 Reasons for Settlement $200 Answer
Religious Freedom

37 Reasons for Settlement $300?
This colony was established as a haven for those seeking religious freedom and was very tolerant of other religions

38 Reasons for Settlement $300 Answer
Rhode Island

39 Reasons for Settlement $400?
The goal of this was to have a favorable balance of trade. Exports greater than imports

40 Reasons for Settlement $400?

41 Literature $500? This is the group that helped fund settlement to the New World

42 Reasons for Settlement $500 Answer
The Virginia Company of London

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