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Fall of Ancient Greece.

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1 Fall of Ancient Greece

2 War Between Athens and Sparta
War with Persia over Greeks still do not want to take a chance and form alliances. This was called the Delian League. Stay organized = Persia Sparta was left out Greeks grew rich from trade without fear of the Persians

3 Athenian Empire League has successes and failures
Athenian Empire becoming more rich and powerful. Athens begins to dominate and take over

4 War Breaks Out Other city-states side with Sparta
Athens and Sparta do not trust each other Sparta attacks Athens and the Peloponnesian War begins

5 Pericles Funeral Oration
He addresses the crowd and they honor those lost in war. Points out that all Athenians are part of a community They all follow laws and have rights and must defend their city. Gave the people courage to keep fighting

6 Athens Loses Sparta = strong army Athens = strong navy
Pericles knew army would lose a land battle, so people and farmers live behind city walls. Safe from Spartan soldiers Navy delivers supplies to the city City is overcrowded, eventually disease spreads throughout. Pericles dies.

7 Athens Loses War still lingers for years.
Spartans can’t compete with Athenian navy. Make a deal with the Persians to destroy the Athenian fleet. They do and Athens surrenders. Persians get back Greek city-states in Asia Minor

8 Effects of the War Sparta tries to rule but war breaks out again among the city-states and Sparta loses All Greek city-states weakened after decades of war. Back at war with the Persians Fail to realize the power of the Macedonian Army growing up North.

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