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3 SELF- AWARENESS Recognizing One’s Feelings and Thoughts
Recognizing the Impact of One’s Feelings and Thoughts On One’s Behavior Recognize One’s Personal Traits. Strengths and Limitations Recognize the Importance of self-confidence in handling daily tasks Be a good role model. Even if you have to make it up, demonstrate how to verbalize your feelings. Emotions are temporary energy meant to pass through. If we accept what our children are feeling the emotions pass through much more quickly (under two minutes) and with more understanding.Taking the time to sit with their feelings, helps them not act out their emotions in a negative way. Accept the emotion from their viewpoint and if possible put a positive spin on them. Teach Empathy. Not a single skill, there are 3 components emotional contagion- we experience distress when someone else is in distress. Empathic concern- the motivation to care for others who are vulnerable. Perspective-taking-the ability to imagine what the other person is thinking or feeling. Assure your children that affirmations are okay. Power of Yet! Practice makes for Progress. Get back up after Failure. Self-compassion. Positive self-talk. When we give them permission to fail we give them permission to be BRAVE!


5 SELF-MANAGEMENT Practice strategies to Manage One’s Behavior, Feelings and Thoughts Recognize the Strategies needed to achieve Personal and Academic Goals Identify and Apply ways to Persevere and Overcome Obstacles Emotionally coach your kids. Acknowledge rather than dismiss their negative feelings.Have a conversation about the cause and effect of emotions. Strategize with your kids about ways they can handle their bad moods. “Weather report” Create a “menu” or a “toolbox” of strategies that your children can use to “cool off” or “dust off” and stand back up again.

6 S Stop what you are doing
T Take a few deep breaths O Observe your thoughts and feelings P Proceed with whatever you were doing


8 SOCIAL-AWARENESS Recognize and Identify the Thoughts, Feelings and Perspectives of Others Demonstrate an Awareness of the Differences of Others’ Cultural Backgrounds Demonstrate an Understanding of the need for Mutual Respect when Viewpoints Differ An Awareness of Expectations in Various Social Situations Ask before you take. Toddlers can learn to take turns rather than share - if there is only one bucket, shovel, etc. adults wouldn’t share their phone but may allow someone a “turn” Teach Assertiveness Use Strong Kind Words. Not everyone thinks the same . Respect it. Prepare your kids for social situations. Script them on things they can say. The only acceptable response to a gift is Thank You. Expose them to books with diverse characters. Have discussions about people’s abilities as well as their disabilities


Develop, Implement and model effective problem solving and critical thinking skills Identify the consequences associated with one’s actions in order to make constructive choices Evaluate personal, ethical,safety and civic impact of decisions Teach your kids to question what they read or hear. Brainstorm who is spreading the information. Is it reliable, gossip? Make thinking a family affair- dinner table, car rides, weekend lunches. Encourage kids to read books, watch movies on topics. Discuss the consequences associated with choices as well as the positive outcomes.

11 Allow children to practice making choices: it’s important that the choice is really theirs, so provide options that you will be happy with no matter what they choose. Talk about everyday decisions: For example you might say, “I’m trying to decide to take up a sport of try a dance class. Talk through the advantages and disadvantages of each suggestion so that your child can learn how to thoughtfully evaluate each option. Teach decision making steps: Identify the decision to be made Think of options Evaluate the options and choose Put your choice into action and see how it works Ask questions that promote thoughtful decisions Encourage kids to set achievable goals


13 RELATIONSHIP SKILLS Establish and maintain healthy relationships
Use positive communication and social skills to interact effectively with others Identify ways to resist inappropriate social pressure Demonstrate the ability to prevent and resolve interpersonal conflicts in constructive ways Identify who, when where and how to seek help for oneself or others when needed Be a friend in order to make a friend.


Your brain is like a muscle. When you learn, your brain grows. The feeling of it being hard is the feeling of your brain growing! PRAISE FOR: EFFORT STRATEGIES PROGRESS HARD WORK PERSISTENCE RISING TO A CHALLENGE LEARNING FROM A MISTAKE

16 The Power of Yet "YOU CAN'T DO IT YET." "YOU DON'T KNOW IT YET."

17 Parent from a Place of Gratitude
Practicing gratitude improves mental and physical health, increases empathy, and improves sleep. Each time you are about to say, “I have to,” replace it with, “I get to.” “I have to take my daughter to ballet” vs. “I get to take my daughter to ballet.” “I have to put him to bed” vs. “I get to put him to bed.”

18 Accept your child as they are
See and know them for who they are rather than who we expect them to be Be awake to who they are, feeling seen is an essential part of feeling loved A great way to connect with your child is via their love language, you can make them feel loved and appreciated


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