An beach investigation

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1 An beach investigation
Chesil Beach An beach investigation

2 Aims of fieldwork at Chesil Beach
AS/A-level case study for Coastal Landscapes unit: processes, landforms, engagement with primary fieldwork data and sustainable coastal management Results calculated in evening lessons on day of fieldwork 15/16 March no follow up data processing should be needed for AS case study Primary data collection for A-level fieldwork investigation (20% of total A-level marks): requires independent selection of question for investigation, independent fieldwork planning and two days of practical fieldwork Final report drafted after AS exams June/July 2017 (maximum 4000 words) - including methodology, data presentation, detailed data analysis and evaluation of investigation - marked by AGS teachers and moderated by AQA

3 Fieldwork locations Could base whole investigation at the Isle of Portland end of Chesil Beach downdrift looking at the pattern of sediments on the beach over a relatively short distance Could also collect data at Chesil Beach near Abbotsbury updrift looking at the pattern of sediments along the beach over a few kilometres

4 Chesil Beach – The theory
An beach investigation


6 Sediment is too small for an AS/A-level investigation any further along Chesil Beach to the NW (updrift) ABBOTSBURY Sediment is about 10mm here - could be measured using calipers ISLE OF PORTLAND Sediment is larger here - would expect to find sediment grading over less than a kilometre PORLOCK BEACH 5km approx. Longshore drift is W to E. No significant secondary longshore drift in opposite direction as very limited fetch. Sediment becomes smaller and rounder in direction of longshore drift and beach volume increases. CHESIL BEACH 30km approx. Dominant longshore drift is NW to SE. Also a significant secondary longshore drift in opposite direction due to large fetch from S/SE. Sediment becomes larger in direction of longshore drift and beach volume increases. First day - all groups based at Portland for pilot study and start of data collection Second day - groups could use all or half day for data collection at Abbotsbury

7 Primary data collection
For your AS/A-level case study you will need to investigate the link between sediment size and longshore drift for one of your sub-aims Your second sub-aim should investigate another beach sediment characteristic e.g. sediment roundness or beach volume

8 Sampling Systematic e.g. sampling at regular intervals along a transect Stratified e.g. sampling at middle of slope segments, sampling along backshore/foreshore Random e.g. sampling using a printed random number table to identify particle Unbiased e.g. sampling particle beneath right foot big toe Most beach investigations demand a combination of sampling techniques

9 Pilot study Could be used to: identify minimum sample size
time data collection at individual location in order to finalise total number of sites over two days practise a tricky fieldwork method to improve accuracy/precision before using for real data collection practise using unfamiliar fieldwork equipment

10 Some advice … Plan your investigation so you will be able to use more complex data presentation and data analysis techniques AS/A-level fieldwork investigations require a large data set e.g. a minimum of 15 particles needed to use Spearman Rank Correlation test Sampling along three parallel transects would allow you to construct an isoline map if there is a pattern to the data Particle size could be longest axis or average of a + b + c axes or mass

11 Fieldwork equipment available
Random number tables for sampling 10m tape measures to measure distance along transect Calipers to measure particle size Newton meters to measure particle mass Roundness Index charts to measure roundness Ranging poles to survey beach gradient Clinometers to survey beach gradient All groups must prepare their own recording sheets

12 Things to collect Method (sample strategy) Description Justification Sediment Size How will you collect these answers What will this allow you to measure / determine from the results? Sediment Roundness Sediment Weight Beach Gradient Sediment Size – a axis (b and c?) Sediment Roundness Sediment weight Beach gradient Distance between facets Are you going to do compare both ends of the beach or just one area in more detail? Why? How? What will you compare/ be looking for?

13 1 18cm 7cm 1cm 1kg SA 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Facet Gradient Distance 1
Clast A axis B Axis C Axis Weight Powers Roundness Callaix 1 18cm 7cm 1cm 1kg SA 1.5 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Facet Gradient Distance 1 9 degrees 320cm 2 3

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