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Advanced Higher Physics Investigation Report. Hello, and welcome to Advanced Higher Physics Investigation Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "Advanced Higher Physics Investigation Report. Hello, and welcome to Advanced Higher Physics Investigation Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 Advanced Higher Physics Investigation Report

2 Hello, and welcome to Advanced Higher Physics Investigation Presentation

3 Introduction The Investigation is a piece of individual research to prove that you can: research a physics topic from various sources which may include textbooks, journals and the worldwide web; design and plan experiments; carry out experiments safely and accurately to collect data; process and present the data, including uncertainties, in an appropriate format; evaluate procedures and results produce a scientific report.

4 The Investigation Probably, the Investigation is not chosen, the Procedures are not underway, the results... What results? So before we get going – let’s think a bit about how it all should look at the end...

5 Planning Select an Investigation topic in consultation with your teacher. Research the background physics of your topic. You can look in books, search on the web, or speak to teachers and other scientists. Make notes in your Lab Report Book of all useful information; remembering to include full references.

6 Experimental Work A Lab Record should be kept of each day’s work and it should be divided into three parts 1.Before each lab session 2.During each lab session 3.After each lab session

7 Final Grade Exam100 marks Investigation 25 marks Total125 marks Grades are awarded based on this cumulative total as follows:

8 2008 Grades Maximum Mark – 125 A 32.1% 32.1% 450 86 72 B 24.9% 57.0% 350 74 60 C 20.0% 77.0% 280 62 48 D 7.3% 84.3% 103 56 42 No award 15.7% 100.0% 220 - Marks in red show cut off scores based on an average of 14 marks for Investigation

9 Marking This is divided into five parts: Introduction Procedures Results Discussion Presentation

10 Quality While marking the Markers are looking for quality – and as a rule the judgment would be: 3 marks - excellent 2 marks - very good 1 mark - something there 0 marks – nothing there!!

11 Introduction The Summary must be at the beginning immediately after Contents Page and in it... The aim of the investigation should be stated Each procedure should be stated and the results given – including Uncertainties and Units. Be sure that the aim agrees with the findings. The purpose plus overall findings must be stated.(1,0)

12 Introduction (Physics) Underlying Physics should be next but can be in the body of the report – Physics + quality3 marks – Basics2 marks – Some underlying physics1 mark – No half marks at all awarded

13 Underlying Physics Theory should be given and should be relevant to the whole investigation and to procedures. Equations used should be derived – justification of formulae required References should be stated and cross referenced to reference list at the back of the investigation

14 Structure Introduction Theory 1Theory 2Theory 3 Procedure 1Procedure 2Procedure 3 Results 1Results 2Results 3 Evaluation 1Evaluation 2Evaluation 3 Overall Evaluation

15 Procedures Labelled diagram / descriptions (2,1,0) Descriptions of procedures (2,1,0) Appropriate level of demand gives an opportunity to reward quality (2,1,0) Factors that might be considered Range of procedures (2 to 4), originality, accuracy, control of variables, easily replicated, experimental techniques, sophistication

16 Diagrams and Photos All diagrams must be labelled in the usual manner. Circuit diagrams should be added as required but not labelled The use of photos is encouraged – On the cover – As diagram of equipment –but these must be of good quality and must be labelled – Labels can be added by hand

17 Labelling

18 Test tube

19 Results Data sufficient and relevant to the purpose of the Investigation (1,0) All data should be included and should be in tables Sample of the working should be given when there is a derived column in the table to show how results are obtained

20 Uncertainties It is very difficult to get all three marks for this part of the Investigation, however it is fairly easy to get 2 marks (but please avoid repetition) Awareness of Uncertainties- random, scale reading, calibration etc 1 mark Combinations – allowing for a few slips a few slips eg sig figs2 marks Must be very good to get 3 marks

21 Graphs Graphs / calculations accepted if there is correct manipulation of poor data Samples calculations will be done by your marker to assure accuracy Graphs accurately drawn by hand or using data package are equally valid Significant figure will be considered A few slips will result in the loss of a mark (2,1,0)

22 Evaluation of Each Procedure The procedure should be stated and the results given. (as at the beginning) Look at the individual experiment and discuss the merits and drawbacks What are the sources of your uncertainties or the limits of your equipment? Compare percentage uncertainties and how they can be reduced. Report will be more readable if this is done at the end of each procedure following the model from before

23 Structure Introduction Theory 1Theory 2Theory 3 Procedure 1Procedure 2Procedure 3 Results 1Results 2Results 3 Evaluation 1Evaluation 2Evaluation 3 Overall Evaluation

24 Conclusion The aim of the investigation should be stated Each procedure should be stated and the results given. Copy and paste from the beginning

25 Evaluation? I’ve forgotten what this Investigation is all about

26 Overall Evaluation Evaluation of Investigation as a whole and should relate to the purpose of the Investigation Step back and looking at the whole thing. Take information from the Lab Report Book, be specific and include a lot of detail. Discuss any modifications made and improvements that could be made in the light of experience. Describe difficulties, frustrations and problems encountered and solved.

27 Presentation These are three marks that all candidates should be able to get Title, Contents with numbers, page numbers and these must match (1,0) Readability (1,0) References in text, listed at the end with page numbers (1,0)

28 References The format of the references should be such that the information can be easily retrieved. Books You should give the author, title, edition and page numbers e.g Tom Duncan, A Textbook for Advanced Level Students, 2 nd Edition, Pages 228 - 229.

29 References Websites You should give the full URL of the actual page which contains the information and not simply the homepage of the website. Include the date you accessed the material. e.g.'s_modu lus's_modu lus - accessed on 10/12/2006.


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