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PGL Parents’ Meeting June 2019

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1 PGL Parents’ Meeting June 2019

2 Cabins and Sleeping Arrangements
The children will be in single gender cabins of 6 children – all from LMPS. All children have completed a slip saying who they would like to be in a cabin with – the staff in Year 6 will use this and our knowledge of the children to make the final decision. Children will find out when they arrive at PGL. PGL night patrols and LMPS staff will be close to the children’s cabins if needed throughout the night.

3 Activities Campfire Zip wire Orienteering Trapeze Problem Solving
Disco Aeroball Vertical Challenge Dragon Boating Giant Swing Survivor Buggy Building Ambush

4 Kit and Clothing A copy of the school kit list have been sent home but please collect a spare from me as needed. A packed lunch is required on the first day (Friday) NO ELECTRONICS please – this includes all mobile phones, electronic games etc. Any contact with home over the weekend will made by LMPS staff

5 Medications Please make sure the medical details form you have filled in is up-to-date and as detailed as possible. On the day of departure, all medications will need to be given to LMPS staff. These will need to be: In a bag Clearly named Shows clear details of when and how much is required.

6 Sweets and Snacks Sweets and snacks are allowed
Please ensure there is a sensible amount of these (especially as they will be in addition to substantial and varied meals) No food will be allowed to be consumed on the coach, therefore, all snacks should be in the children’s ‘kit’ bag.

7 Money and Gift Shop Children will only need a small amount of spending money – between £5 to £10 will be plenty. Any ‘pocket money’ will be the children’s responsibility. Children will only be visiting the shop on the last evening of the trip.

8 Dietary Requirements Please ensure that the ‘medical’ form also includes up-to-date information about any specific dietary requirements your children might have – these will then be passed onto PGL in advance of our trip. PGL are used to catering for various dietary needs but if you have any specific concerns please let me know.

9 The First and Last Days On the first day only, all children will need a packed lunch. This will need to be in a plastic bag, which can be thrown away. Children need to arrive at school at the normal time (on Friday), ready for preparations in school and departure at Expected time of return – approximately 4.00 on Monday. LMPS staff will be in contact with the school and therefore parents to confirm/update this on the day. The school will then pass on details to yourselves.

10 Any Questions?

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