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COE 202 Introduction to Verilog

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1 COE 202 Introduction to Verilog
Computer Engineering Department College of Computer Sciences and Engineering King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals

2 Outline Introduction Verilog Syntax Definition of a Module
Gate Level Modeling Module Instantiation Propagation Delay Boolean Equation-Based Behavioral Models of Combinational Logic Test Bench Example

3 Introduction Verilog is one of the hardware description languages (HDL) available in the industry for hardware modeling, simulation and design. It allows designers to describe their hardware at different levels of detail (e.g. gate-level, behavioral lavel) Parallel not serial like programming languages. Verilog can describe everything from single gate to full computer system.

4 Verilog A digital system can be described at several levels of details (more details means more design entry time!): e.g. Gate-level  Net-list similar to schematic or breadboarding Behavioral description: programming-like structures (if-then-else, case, loops …etc) to describe what the circuit does (i.e. behavior) rather than how  requires some additional (synthesis) software to actually obtain the logic design A digital system is described as a set of modules The module is the basic unit of design

5 Verilog Syntax Identifiers:
composed of letters, digits, the underscore character (_), and the dollar sign ($). $ is usually used with a system task or function The first character of an identifier must be a letter or underscore Verilog is a case-sensitive language D_BUS is different from D_Bus Keywords: predefined identifiers that are used to describe language constructs. E.g. module, wire …etc.  Can not be used as user-defined identifiers White space: space, tab, and newline characters are used to separate identifiers and can be used freely in the Verilog code Comments: two forms; one-line comment starts with // and multiple-line comment is encapsulated between /* and */

6 Verilog Data Types Two groups of Data Types: net and variable.
Net like wire; could be 1-bit or array (e.g. wire a; wire [3:0] sum) Variable group like reg; The most commonly used data type in this group Also integer

7 Module and Ports declaration
module [module-name] ( [mode] [ d a t a - t y p e ] [ p o r t - n a m e s ] , . . . [mode] [ d a t a - t y p e ] [ p o r t - n a m e s ] ) ; Data-type could be wire, reg, integer, real …etc. Ex1.: module eq2 ( input wire [1:0] a , b , output wire aeqb ); Ex2.: module eq1( input i0 , il , // no data type declaration output eq // all will be wires );

8 Gate Level Modeling Net-list description
built-in primitives gates module my_gate( output OUT1, input IN1, IN2); wire X; // optional and (X, IN1, IN2); not (OUT1, X); endmodule X OUT1 IN2 IN1 Internal Signal

9 Verilog Primitives Basic logic gates only and or not buf
xor These gates are expandable: 1st node nand is O/P node, followed by 1, 2, 3 … nor number of input nodes xnor

10 Primitive Pins Are Expandable
nand (y, in1, in2) ; nand (y, in1, in2, in3) ; nand (y, in1, in2, in3, in4) ;

11 A Half Adder module Add_half (output c_out, sum, input a, b);
xor (sum, a, b); and (c_out, a, b); endmodule

12 A Full Adder module fadd (output co, s, input a, b, c); endmodule
wire n1, n2, n3; // optional xor (n1, a, b) ; xor (s, n1, c) ; nand (n2, a, b) ; nand (n3,n1, c) ; nand (co, n3,n2) ; endmodule

13 Module Instantiation Two ways to connect the ports of the instantiated module to the signals in the instantiating module: 1. By name: [module-name] [instance-name] ( . [port-name] ( [signal-name] ) , .[port-name] ([signal-name]), ); 2. By order: module Add_half (output c_out, sum, input a, b); xor (sum, a, b); and (c_out, a, b); endmodule Add_half M1 (.c_out(Cout), .sum(Sum), .a(A), .b(B)); Add_half M2 (Cout, Sum, A, B);

14 Module Instantiation

15 Propagation Delay module Add_full_unit_delay(output c_out, sum, input a, b, c_in); wire w1, w2, w3; // optional Add_half_unit_delay M1 (w2, w1, a, b); Add_half_unit_delay M2 (w3, sum, c_in, w1); or #2 (c_out, w2, w3); endmodule module Add_half_unit_delay (output c_out, sum, input a, b); xor #3 (sum, a, b); and #2 (c_out, a, b); Propagation Delay

16 Assign Statement The keyword assign declares a continuous assignment.
It associates the Boolean expression on the RHS (right hand side) with the variable on the LHS (left hand side). The assignment is sensitive to the variables in the RHS. Any time an event occurs on any of the variables on the RHS, the RHS expression is revaluated and the result is used to update the LHS.

17 Boolean Equation-Based Behavioral Models of Combinational Logic
A Boolean equation describes combinational logic by an expression of operations on variables. In Verilog, this is done by continuous assignment statement. Example: module AOI_5_CA0 ( input x_in1, x_in2, x_in3, x_in4, x_in5, output y_out); assign y_out = ~( (x_in1 & x_in2) | (x_in3 & x_in4 & x_in5) ); endmodule

18 Verilog Operators { } concatenation + - * / ** arithmetic % modulus
> >= < <= relational ! logical NOT && logical AND || logical OR == logical equality != logical inequality === case equality !== case inequality ? : conditional Used in comparing two variables (relational or logic comparisons) ~ bit-wise NOT & bit-wise AND | bit-wise OR ^ bit-wise XOR ^~ ~^ bit-wise XNOR & reduction AND | reduction OR ~& reduction NAND ~| reduction NOR ^ reduction XOR ~^ ^~ reduction XNOR << shift left >> shift right Used in Boolean functions

19 Full Adder module fadd (output Cout, S, input A, B, Cin);
assign S = A ^(B ^ Cin); assign Cout = (A & B) | (A & Cin) | (B & Cin) ; endmodule

20 Propagation Delay & Continuous Assignment
Propagation delay can be associated with a continuous assignment so that its implicit logic has same functionality and timing characteristics as its gate level implementation. The # delay operator specifies the delay in time units (e.g. #3 means after 3 time units) The time scale and resolution are specified by the directive 'timescale time unit/ resolution (e.g. 'timescale 1ns / 100ps) 'timescale 1ns / 100ps module fadd (output Cout, S, input A, B, Cin); assign #6 S = A ^(B ^ Cin); assign #5 Cout = (A & B) | (A & Cin) | (B & Cin); endmodule

21 Testbench Example 'timescale 1ns / 100ps module t_Add_half(); wire Sum, Cout; reg a, b, cin; Add_full_unit_delay M1 (Cout, Sum, a, b, cin); initial begin a=0; b=0; cin=0; #10 b=1; #10 a=1; cin=1; #10 b=0; end endmodule

22 Testbench Example The keyword initial declares a single-pass behavior that begins executing when the simulator is activated. Statements within begin and end block keywords are called procedural statements. Procedural statements execute sequentially # is a delay control operator A delay control operator preceding procedural assignment statement suspends its execution and the execution of subsequent statements for specified delay time reg declaration ensures that variables will keep their value until the next procedural assignment statement

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