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Chapters 12&13.

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1 Chapters 12&13

2 Summary Chapter 12 Pip is feeling guilty for getting into a fight with another kid and is trying to get rid of any evidence that the fight happened. Also, he is scared to go to Mrs. Havisham’s house out of fear that he will get in trouble for the fight he was in. But nothing ever happens and the topic was not even spoken of. Mrs. Havisham makes Pip wheel her around her house because she is tired of walking. As the got to know each other Mrs. Havisham asks Pip about his hopes and dreams of the future. Meanwhile Pip and Estella Had a thing but Estella doesn’t want him anymore. So Pip goes to his friend Biddy and tells her about his misadventures with Mrs. Havisham, which he has told no one of, and Biddy becomes worried. Then Mr. Pumplechook starts up drama between Mrs. Joe and Joe about Pip’s future. Later, Mrs. Havisham invites Pip and Joe over to receive the apprenticeship Papers that will make Pip Joe’s apprentice. But Pip really wanted to be a gentleman not an apprentice.

3 The why The encounters he has in Great Expectations helps him in the future so he will make the right choices and learn from the wrong choices. In chapter 11, Pip had a fight with another boy. Then in chapter 12, he feels guilty and tries to hide the evidence hoping that Mrs. Havisham won’t get mad at him.

4 The impact Pip’s feelings for Estella that deepened impacted Mrs. Havisham because that was what she wanted to happen. So then Estella can break his heart to get revenge on Mrs. Havisham’s broken heart. Also Pip lying to Biddy about going to Mrs. Havisham’s motivated Biddy to worry about him more.

5 The theme The Theme of this chapter is: The unlikeliest person may be the one that will help you follow your dreams Explanation: At first Mrs. Havisham didn’t want anything to do with Pip because of his social class. But as she go to know him she started to ask him what his dreams are and help him follow those dreams

6 Satire relation/ figurative language
In chapter 12, (page 98) Pip says, “Without having any definite idea of the penalties I had incurred, it was clear to me the village boys could not go stalking about the country… houses of gentlefolk pitching into the studious youth of England.” “The common folk” aren’t commonly seen with rich people. Dickens wasn’t quite fond of the wealthy at this time so he made fun of them in the book.

7 Summary of chapter 13 Joe goes to the Satis house to finish the apprenticeship papers for Pip. But because of his appearance he feels out of place there and Estella laughs at them. Then Mrs. Havisham give them money to go to Town Hall to finalize the papers. Mrs. Joe and Joe take Pip out with Pumplechook and Mr. Wopsle to celebrate, but Pip is still bitter cause he still wants to be a gentleman, not an apprentice.

8 The why Pip’s encounter with Mrs. Havisham influenced his life when she gave him the apprenticeship papers, which helped him become a gentleman in the future. In chapter 13 (page ) Pip says, “… And to make it worse, they all asked me from time to time—in short, whenever they had nothing to do— why didn’t I enjoy myself?… I was enjoying myself—when I wasn’t!” This proves that Pip actually did enjoy it at Mrs.Havisham’s but didn't want to tell his family the truth.

9 The impact Pip becomes more bitter about being an apprentice, which causes drama between his family because they criticize him for being ungrateful. Page 110: “It was agreed to be done… most melancholy day I passed.” This shows that Pip didn't really seem too happy, due to the fact that he will become Joe’s apprentice and not work for Havisham anymore. Also on page 110, “It inscrutably appeared to stand to reason, in the minds of the whole company… I was excrescence on the entertainment.”

10 The Theme Theme: You can’t always get what you want.
Explanation: Mrs. Havisham help open Pip up to his future and what his dreams are. Havisham made Pip realize that being a gentleman might not be so bad, until Havisham decided to help Pip become an apprentice of Joe. Which, in turn made Pip a lot more melancholy and isn't enjoying himself.“…most melancholy day I passed” (pg.110)

11 Satire relation/ figurative language
In the beginning of chapter 13 (pg.104), Mr. Joe tries to dress up to impress Mrs.Havisham. Which in turn, backfires since Pip thinks that he looks ridiculous and is unnecessary. “…Joe arraying himself in his Sunday clothes to accompany me to Havisham’s.” “He thought this courtship was necessary to the occasion… he looked far better in his working dress.” Dickens is depicting that sometimes the poor will try to be like the wealthy. So that they can fit in to societies point of view.

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