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Chapter 8                                                                                                                                                      

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1 Chapter 8                                                                                                                                                       American Revolution

2 Lord Dunmore Last British colonial governor of Virginia.
(offered to free slaves who joined the British side)

3 George Washington Military leader who commanded American forces (Continental Army) in the Revolution. Called “The father of the country.” He served as the first U.S. President.

4 George Mason Member of the Virginia Convention who created Virginia’s Declaration of Rights to protect personal liberties (This influenced the Declaration of Independence).

5 Richard Henry Presented the Virginia Convention’s statement urging the colonies to unite and break from Britain. The Declaration of Independence came two days later.

6 King George III                       King of England during the Revolution. The colonies won freedom from the taxation, trade restrictions, and frontier barriers he made.

7 Henry “Light-Horse Harry” Lee
American cavalry officer during the Revolution.

8 George Rogers Clark Military leader during the Revolution. His troops captured British forts in the Northwest Territory (Ohio).

9 James Armistead A slave who won his freedom by spying for Lafayette (Patriot).

10 Jack Jouett Patriot who rode through the night to warn Thomas Jefferson and other leaders in Charlottesville that the British were coming.

11 Lord Charles Cornwallis
Commander of British Army. He surrendered at Yorktown (the last battle on the Revolution).                                                 

12 Great Bridge                                                                                                                                                               The sight of a Revolutionary War battle between Virginia Patriots and British forces near Norfolk. The Patriots won!

13 Philadelphia Located in the Pennsylvania colony, where the Second Continental Congress met and Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of Independence.

14 Richmond Became Virginia’s capital city after it was moved from Williamsburg. Virginians thought the capital would be safer from the British here.

15 Yorktown Site of the last major battle of the Revolution. Cornwallis surrendered allowing the Continental Army to win the war.

16 Continental Army Patriot troops who fought under George Washington for their freedom against England.

17 Loyalist                                                                                                                                                               A colonist who remained faithful to the British during the Revolution.                       

18 Patriot A person who supported the colonists in the Revolutionary War.

19 convention A meeting or assembly called together for a particular purpose.                                                                                                                                                              

20 Virginia Convention A meeting held in Williamsburg in 1776 to work for colonial independence.

21 Virginia Declaration of Rights
A document written by George Mason listing freedoms that he felt all people should have . These included freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and freedom to choose a government through elections. (Used the help write the Declaration of Independence).

22 Declaration of Independence
A document officially declaring that the American colonies were breaking away from Great Britain to form a new nation.

23 constitution                                                                                                                                                               The principals and laws that govern a nation, state or social group.

24 Revolutionary War                                                                                                                    The war the American colonies fought to win freedom from Great Britain.

25 cavalry Soldiers who fight on horseback.

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