Ca-US-ECC Consultation 2012

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1 Ca-US-ECC Consultation 2012
FM48#7-Info001 (US ECC(12)004) Ca-US-ECC Consultation 2012 Broadband Direct-Air-to-Ground Communications (DA2GC) Developments within ECC since June 2011 Thomas Weilacher, Vice-Chairman ECC WG FM

2 Overview (ETSI TR 103 054), first system proposal
Work within ECC had originally been initiated by a System Reference Document (ETSI TR V1.1.1 ( )) This system proposal is based on LTE technology. The target operating frequency is in the range below 6 GHz. Spectrum requirement: 2 x 10 MHz for FDD or 20 MHz for TDD. June 2012 Ca-US-ECC Cooperation Meeting

3 Overview (activities of WG FM and WG SE)
WG FM has started to develop a new ECC Report on Broadband DA2GC. WG SE has started to study radio compatibility and sharing issues for “Candidate 1 bands” ( MHz, MHz and MHz). The bands MHz / MHz and MHz have been removed from the list. June 2012 Ca-US-ECC Cooperation Meeting

4 Overview (ETSI TR 101 599), second system proposal
A second System Reference Document (Draft) was submitted by ETSI, Draft TR V ( ). Final adoption planned for ETSI ERM #47, June 2012. MHz and MHz are the target bands: → 20 MHz for TDD (or 2 x 10 MHz); → Using beamforming antennas; → Light licensing. June 2012 Ca-US-ECC Cooperation Meeting

5 On-going activities within ECC
A third system proposal is under discussion. ECC (WG FM) decided that for the compatibility and sharing studies only those parameters for Broadband DA2GC should be used which are based on / derived from ETSI SRDocs. ECC (WG FM) decided to remove the “Category 2 bands” MHz and MHz from the list. June 2012 Ca-US-ECC Cooperation Meeting

6 On-going activities within ECC
Unpaired parts of the terrestrial 2 GHz band now under consideration ( MHz, MHz) for Broadband DA2GC and also for other possible future applications. First considerations within SE PT 44: FL within MHz (10 MHz in between); RL within MHz (10 MHz in between). Frequency band MHz still under consideration within WG FM (FM PT 50): Impact assessment (different options under discussion). June 2012 Ca-US-ECC Cooperation Meeting

7 On-going activities within ECC
Studies between Broadband DA2GC and Outdoor RLANs, carried out so far, have shown that sharing seems not to be feasible for the band MHz. Therefore no further studies regarding this band for the time being. The preliminary conclusions regarding the band MHz are driven by the difficulties of coexistence between Broadband DA2GC and BFWA. Further studies are on-going. Questionnaire on BFWA. June 2012 Ca-US-ECC Cooperation Meeting

8 On-going activities within ECC
Draft ECC Report describing regulatory and spectrum aspects is under development (WG FM, FM PT 48). Draft ECC Report describing compatibility and sharing issues is under development (WG SE, SE PT 44). Both ECC Reports will be used as a basis for a future spectrum designation (ECC Decision). June 2012 Ca-US-ECC Cooperation Meeting

9 Open questions, possible future activities
14 GHz band under consideration in US (FCC started a process on 30 May 2012 regarding GHz based on a Qualcomm proposal). Test in Germany in the 2.6 GHz range. Tests in USA (2.4 GHz), FCC Part 15 reg.? Market situation for DA2GC (competition with satellite solutions). Also further information from European Airlines expected. Activities in China and in other parts of the world? June 2012 Ca-US-ECC Cooperation Meeting

10 Thank you very much for your attention Ca-US-ECC Cooperation Meeting
Discussion Thank you very much for your attention June 2012 Ca-US-ECC Cooperation Meeting

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