Chapter 16 Section 3 The Holocaust

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1 Chapter 16 Section 3 The Holocaust
Objective: Describe the results of the “Final Solution” Vocabulary: Aryan, Holocaust, Kristallnacht, Ghetto, “Final Solution”, & Genocide New: What do you remember/know about the Holocaust? Review: When did the Japanese attack Pearl Harbor? What was the Bataan Death March? Why was the Battle of Midway important?

2 Setting the Stage As part of their vision for Europe, the Nazis proposed a new racial order Hitler claimed that Germanic people or “Aryans” were a master race All non-Aryan people especially the Jews were inferior This racist message would eventually lead to the Holocaust Holocaust: systematic mass slaughter of Jews & other groups judged inferior by the Nazis Misused the term Aryan

3 The Holocaust Begins Hitler tapped into the deep roots in European history of Jewish hated Germans blamed the Jews for their failures Nuremberg Laws passed in 1935, deprived Jews of their rights to Germany citizenship It also forbade marriage between Jews & non-Jews This was something that was common in Europe, a lot of European countries had laws against the Jews Including France Some Germans even blamed Jews for their countries defeat in World War I & great depression afterwards No marriage between Jews & non-Jews, limited kinds of work that Jews could do If the government took away your citizenship in the United States, what would you feel like?

4 “Night of Broken Glass”
17-year-old Jewish youth, Grynszpan shot a German diplomat in Paris to avenge his Father’s deportation November 9th, Nazi’s attacked Jewish homes, businesses, & synagogues across Germany It became known as the Night of Broken Glass The Germans will quickly blame the Jews for the destruction His father had lived in Germany for 27 years and was being deported to Poland 100 Jews were killed 30,000 Jewish men were arrested

5 A Flood of Refugees Many Jews realized the violence was going to continue By the end of 1939, a number of German Jews fled to other countries Hitler originally favored emigration as a solution to “the Jewish problem” However, countries began shutting their doors to immigration Germany’s foreign minister said, “we all want to get rid of our Jews, the difficulty is that no country wishes to receive them” Hitler was conquering territories in which millions more Jews lived St. Louis 943 immigrants on board The United States sent them back due to the Great Depression and not wanting to get involved in foreign affairs More than half died in the Holocaust

6 Isolating the Jews Hitler ordered all Jews in all countries under his control to be moved to designated cities Nazis herded the Jews into overcrowded ghettos (segregated Jewish areas) The Nazis sealed off the ghettos with barbed wire & stone walls Hitler hoped the Jews would starve to death or die from disease People started to keep records to that one day people would know the truth of the situation Even under the horrible conditions, the Jews hung on

7 The “Final Solution” Hitler grew impatient waiting for Jews to die from starvation or disease Hitler’s plan was called the “Final Solution” or genocide: the systematic killing of an entire people In Hitler’s plan he needed to protect the racial purity & eliminate others he considered inferior Hitler’s genocide also included gypsies, Polish, Russians, homosexuals, the insane, the disabled, & incurably ill Nazi’s main focus was on the Jews

8 The Killings Begin Units from the SS moved from town to town rounding up men, women, children to shot them & bury them in pits Eventually, these killing squads started sending them to concentration camps located mainly in Poland Prisoners worked seven days a week for the SS or German businesses They were severely beaten or killed for not working fast enough Psychologically taxing to shot each person individually Most people lost 50 pounds in the first few months They were herded into trains & shipped to concentration camps Families were split up, tattooed with a number when they enter the camp Mortality rate 50%

9 The Final Stage In 1942, Nazis built extermination camps equipped with huge gas chambers They could kill as many as 6000 in one day SS doctors would decide each day who should live & who should die Those who were too weak were led into a chamber where cyanide gas poured in killing them within minutes The Nazis would then burn the bodies in a crematorium Auschwitz was the biggest extermination camp 6 death camps were built in Poland

10 The Survivors 11 million including 6 million European Jews died in these death camps & Nazi massacres Some escaped the horrors with the help of non-Jewish people However, they did this as a great risk to their own lives Those who survived the camps were changed forever

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