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The Circulatory System

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1 The Circulatory System
Miss Christensen 1

Facilitates ________________ Delivers ______________ to cells Picks up cellular ______________ __________________ regulation Delivers __________________ Booklet handout Video handout Graphic Organizer Public Health Assignment 2

3 The circulatory system in humans contains 3 parts:
1) ____________ – The circulating fluid. 2) __________________ – The transporting medium. 3) __________ – The pumping station.

4 4

5 PART ONE: THE BLOOD The average human adult has _____ litres of blood (~8% weight). Functions of the blood: ________________: Oxygen, carbon dioxide, wastes, nutrients, heat, hormones ________________: pH, temperature ________________: white blood cells _____________: prevents blood loss (platelets)

6 THE BLOOD Blood is composed of two parts: ____________ (a complex fluid); and formed __________ (erythrocytes, leucocytes and platelets). 6

7 1) Blood Plasma _______________ thick fluid
Makes up _______ of blood volume Consists of 91.5% ___________, 7% proteins, and 1.5% dissolved food, enzymes, vitamins, hormones, antibodies, waste products, inorganic salts and gases

8 2) Erythrocytes __________________________ (45% of blood)
5 million per mL of blood (25 trillion in human body!!!) Every sec you produce ~10 million new RBC’s Formed in ________________________ (inside your bones) Have no ______________ Life span of ______ days About 2 million dead erythrocytes must be removed from the blood every second. They are destroyed and filtered out by the __________ and ___________. 8

9 2) Red Blood Cells Red color: due to the presence of the protein ______________.

10 2) Red Blood Cells Concave shape gives the cell a large _______________________ through which oxygen can diffuse. Also makes them _____________, easily squeeze through capillaries. Blood changes colors: Oxygenated  Deoxygenated (__________) (____________)

11 3) Leukocytes ________________________ (~1% of blood)
Larger cells, but less numerous than erythrocytes 5 – 10 thousand per mL They are _____________ shaped cells that contain a _______ Cells live between 12 hours to several years Main function is to ______________ the body from foreign material such as __________ by engulfing them (phagocytosis). 11

12 4) Platelets Smallest cellular components No ___________, live 5-9 days Produced in the _____ marrow 250, 000 platelets per mL of blood Platelets are responsible for the initial stages of __________________________.

13 Platelets and Clot Formation
Blood must have the ability to “_______” wounds (cuts and scrapes). There are four components involved in the clotting process: __________________

14 Blood Clotting Platelets: Clotting Factors: Cell fragments
React to the air and become __________. Forms an initial ________. Clotting Factors: 12 Factors needed They are proteins that __________ the platelet plug.

15 Blood Clotting Fibrin: Other Cells:
A web-like protein _______ that strengthens the clot. Fibrin formation = __________________ Other Cells: White and Red blood cells get __________ and add to the structure.


17 Blood Disorders - Hemophilia
________________________ in which a specific blood clotting factor is lacking or, a ______________ that abnormally delays coagulation when bleeding occurs whether internal or external Result: Bleeding is difficult to stop. 400,000 people are affected (mostly males). Treatment: ____________________ can be given to people to aid clot formation. Biggest concern with this condition? _________________ bleeding


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