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Circulatory System BLOOD.

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Presentation on theme: "Circulatory System BLOOD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Circulatory System BLOOD

2 The Blood Body contains 4-6 L Consists of Water Red Blood Cells Plasma
White blood cells and platelets

3 Whole Blood Sample Plasma Platelets White blood cells Red blood cells
Sample Placed in Centrifuge Blood Sample That Has Been Centrifuged

4 Whole Blood Sample Sample Placed in Centrifuge Plasma Platelets
White blood cells Red blood cells Whole Blood Sample Sample Placed in Centrifuge Blood Sample That Has Been Centrifuged

5 Plasma Platelets White blood cells Red blood cells Whole Blood Sample Sample Placed in Centrifuge Blood Sample That Has Been Centrifuged

6 Your Blood: Fluid Transport
Liquid Portion (Plasma) Carries Blood cells Erythrocytes (RBC - red blood cells) Leucocytes (WBC - white blood cells) Platelets (non cellular particles) Proteins Enzymes Hormones – Endocrine System Nutrients - Digestive System Gases - Respiratory System Inorganic salts

7 Oxygen in the Blood Oxygenated Blood
Hemoglobin, iron containing molecule Loosely picks up oxygen in the lungs Loses oxygen in areas low in oxygen (diffuses)

8 What does blood contain?
50% Water 45% Erythrocytes (RBC) 4% Plasma with Substances 1% Leukocytes (WBC) + Platelets

9 Erythrocytes (RBC) Transporters of RBC
Oxygen Carbon Dioxide RBC Lack a nucleus Contain hemoglobin Disk-shaped RBC are produced in red bone marrow of ribs, humerus, femur, sternum, and other long bones Lives for 120 days

10 Leukocytes (WBC) WBC fight infection/disease Less abundant Large cells
Attack foreign substances Less abundant Large cells Some live for months Most just a few days ALL contain nuclei

11 Platelets PLATELETS are for CLOTTING blood Cell fragments
Produced in bone marrow Short life span (1 week) Fibrin (sticky network of protein fibers) Form a web trapping blood cells

12 Break in Capillary Wall
Blood Clotting Break in Capillary Wall Clumping of Platelets Clot Forms

13 Blood Types Massive loss of blood requires a transfusion Four Types
AB O Rhesus factor (Rh) Rh+ (have antigen) Rh- (NO antigen) Inherited from your parents

14 Blood Types Plasma contains proteins that correspond to the shape of the different antigens If you mix one type with the wrong one, you get CLUMPING Type O is the universal donor Type AB is the universal acceptor

15 Blood Types

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