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Meeting Emotional Needs

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1 Meeting Emotional Needs
What is age appropriate? How to provide positive guidance to help child grow emotionally Responding to Emotions Affection, Anger, Fear, Jealousy p. 348.

2 Emotional development Toddlers/ preschoolers
Young children have range of emotions. Emotional control takes longer to development Great or small pleasures = same joy Can rage instantly, calm quickly. Feelings are very intense. Live in the moment– “right now” is all that matters.

3 School age children Recognize other’s feelings
Moods more predictable, respond more appropriately. Fewer outbursts as gain emotional control

4 Preteens= second toddlerhood
Physical and personal changes cause mood swings. Wide emotional swings Excited and frightened by new freedom

Help children have more positive than negative experiences. Create positive environment that builds positive emotions and teaches how to manage negative ones. “PRAISE IN PUBLIC, CORRECT IN PRIVATE.” How can parents help you through a tough time? How could they make it worse??

6 Responding to emotions
Showing child affection is extremely important for their well being and future relationships. Parents teach children how to show affection. Examples? Families/ cultures express affection differently.

7 ANGER…Tantrums! Toddlers and preschoolers… Prone to tantrums. WHY?
Want to be independent Told “no” Lack of physical abilities frustrating Limited verbal skills TANTRUMS easiest way to get what they want. **Should parents video tape a child behaving badly????

8 Waste of a tantrum? pc
They only work if you have a participating audience. How should parents respond to tantrums? P. 351

9 Parking Lot tantrum OuE
Concerns when in public? How did mom handle it?

10 Walmart toy tantrum jA Watch clip- why does she have a tantrum? How does dad handle it? Good things? Not so good things?

11 Play date ended too soon.
4 year old girl. What did parents do well?

12 I want to go to McDonald’s
0bLf8Qc&list=PL5DF8DF3C0E203CD5 What’s wrong with this scene?

13 What do you think of this one?
Zo&list=PL5DF8DF3C0E203CD5 Should this one be posted online???

14 Fears Typical and Healthy response to new things.
Children don’t know when fear is irrational. Need parent’s support to overcome. By age 4 very active imagination. Monsters under your bed…boogie man…. Acknowledge fears and help them cope . Show you are in control, reassure security

15 Jealousy Don’t want anything to interfere with their need for attention. P. 354 Recognize needs but don’t give them control. Parental jealousy drops off after age 3. form other relationships. encourage building self esteem, appreciate talents and contributions.

16 http://www. youtube. com/watch
0nA big sister sibling jealousy

17 Promoting Self Esteem “EVERYONE’S A WINNER”
When every kid gets a medal we send a dangerous message.. But it may also make them feel that they are entitled to praise and recognition for merely existing. in real life you don't get rewarded for showing up. The real lesson we should be teaching kids is that the rewards come when you work hard and accomplish something. And the rewards might not always come -- that's an important lesson, too.

18 Creating Self Esteem Children need to believe they are capable in order to try new things. Can do attitude. Encouragement Know they are still loved even if they fail. Try again. Children who feel inferior or worthless fear making decisions/ taking responsibility.

19 Check understanding P

20 Offer praise appropriately
Overdone is insincere. Mean what you say. Honest statement.

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