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Presentation on theme: "Families."— Presentation transcript:

1 Families

2 Functions of Family Meet basic needs
Prepare children to live in society by: Example Talking Religion

3 Types of Families Nuclear Family: Mother, father, at least 1 child
2 parents can help in raising children Single-Parent Families: mother or father, at least 1 child Little free time for parent, financial burdens, no one to share work with

4 Cont’d Blended families: single parent marries another person who may or may not have children Extended families: includes relatives other than a parent or child who live with them

5 Entering a Family Guardians- take care of all financial and legal responsibility Adoption-legal process; children enter family not born into Foster children-stay with a temporary family

6 Family Life Cycle Page of “The Developing Child” Book

7 Parenthood and Parenting

8 Parenthood New responsibilities Lifestyle changes Emotional changes
Relationship changes Changes at work

9 Emotions Fear Frustration Financial Depression Jealousy

10 Unsound reasons for parenthood

11 Sound reasons for parenthood

12 The Tasks of Parenting Meet the child’s basic needs Nurture children
Guide children to show appropriate behavior

13 Parenting Styles Authoritarian-children should obey parents without question Democratic-children have more input into rules and limits Permissive-children given a wide range of freedom

14 Activity “Wanted: Perfect Parents”
Create a newspaper add that states what you think are the qualities and characteristics of perfect parents.

15 What is Parenting? Caring for children and helping them develop, requires understanding a child’s needs and meeting them. Demands good judgment in 3 ways: Knowing when to help and when to back off Avoid pushing children to try activities they are not ready for; don’t hold back Adapt parenting skills at each stage of development

16 How to Build Parenting Skills
Books and magazines Gaining experience Asking for advice Observing

17 Meeting Children’s Needs
Provide with food, clothing, shelter Watch over safety and health Begin teaching them language Foster intellectual growth by taking an active role in their schooling Teach them to get along with others Provide opportunities for them to love and be loved

18 Nurturing Giving a child opportunities for encouragement and enrichment, and showing love, support, and concern. Deprivation-lack of an enriching environment

19 Communicating Positively
Use words the child understands; avoid talking down to the child Be clear Be positive and polite Give praise and love Limit directions to those that are essential Talk about what is meaningful

20 Guiding Children’s Behavior
Punishment is part of guidance, and should only be used when necessary Guidance means using firmness and understanding to help children learn to control their own behavior Effective guidance leads to self-discipline

21 Self-discipline is important to emotional, social, and moral development
Children develop a conscience- an inner sense of what is right

22 Consistency Consistency is key
3 ways adults can guide children to behave appropriately: Encourage appropriate behavior Setting and enforcing limits Dealing with inappropriate behavior in effective ways

23 Encouraging Appropriate Behavior
Set a good example talking politely Children need to be told what is expected of them in ways they can understand Positive reinforcement Be specific, notice as soon as possible, recognize small steps, help child take pride in his actions, tailor encouragement to the needs of the child Offer choices and let them make decisions for themselves when more mature

24 What should limits be? Questions to keep in mind when setting limits:
Does the limit allow the child to learn and grow? Is the limit fair and appropriate for the child’s age? Does the limit benefit the child, or is it merely for the adult’s convenience? Limits should keep children from hurting themselves, other people, or property

25 Making limits clear State limits briefly and clearly
Setting limits include 4 steps: Show understanding of the child’s desires Set the limit and explain it Acknowledge the child’s feelings Give alternatives

26 Dealing with inappropriate behavior
When responding to a child’s misbehaviors, ask yourself these questions: Is the expected behavior appropriate, given the child’s development? Does the child understand that the behavior is wrong? Was the behavior done knowingly and deliberately, or was it beyond the child’s control?

27 Using punishment effectively
Punishment is negative reinforcement- a response aimed at discouraging a child from repeating a behavior Make clear that the caregiver disapproves of the behavior After a rule is broken, usually a warning is given. Punishment follows if rule is broken again.

28 Dealing with inappropriate behavior
Natural consequences Loss of privelages Giving time-out

29 Poor disciplinary measures
Bribing Making children promise to behave Shouting or yelling Shaming or belittling Threatening to withhold love

30 Handling Conflict Use words Speak calmly Count to ten

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