Duties and Responsibilities of PROCTORS

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Presentation on theme: "Duties and Responsibilities of PROCTORS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Duties and Responsibilities of PROCTORS

2 Supervise the examination;
Report to the examination venue/room 30 minutes before the start of the examination; Ensure that all computers are functional and the PNP Basic Computer Essentials Certification System is working; Provide username and password to the examinees;

3 Guide the participants about the examination rules and procedures and give emphasis on the time allotted for the examination and the importance of address; Answer all queries about the system but not to answer the examination questions; Terminate the exam if the examination procedure is compromised due to the examinee’s improper conduct, power interruption and/or any unforeseen eventualities that may affect the examination procedure; and Prepare after activity report address to D, ITMS and submit the report to TRD for consolidation. (Format of the report attached).

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