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What are the functions in the city of Sao Paulo?

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1 What are the functions in the city of Sao Paulo?
Friday, 05 July 2019 C/W What are the functions in the city of Sao Paulo? Answers Site is land that a settlement is built upon Situation is where the settlement is compared to the physical and human features around it An emerging country is a country with high and medium development Connectivity is the way that the city is connected or linked to other settlements in the country as well as to other countries in the world Sao Paulo is on a hilly plateau 820m above sea level; northeast of Serra do Mar (coastal mountains); Tiete River flows through the city; Anhangabau River flows underground it also has smaller rivers e.g. Tamanduatei and Pinheiros Sao Paulo is in southeast of Brazil; 70km inland; 350km southwest of Rio de Janeiro; 330km north of Curitiba; 1000km south of Brasilia; Santos is the main port, 70km southeast of city Rodovia dos Imigrantes is the motorway that connects the city to the port of Santos Sao Paulo has a subway system; over 16,000 buses & 2 international airports Lesson Objective– to understand Sao Paulo’s structure in terms it’s functions and the building age of different parts of the city Starter Test: What is site? (1) What is situation? (1) What is an emerging country? (1) What is connectivity? (1) Describe Sao Paulo’s site. (5) Describe Sao Paulo’s situation (5) What is the name of the motorway that connects the city to the Port of Santos? (1) What evidence is there that Sao Paulo is well connected? (3) Challenge: What functions can you see in this photo? Which part of the city do you think this is? How old do you think these buildings are? Out of 18

2 Keywords Paulistanos Metropolitan area City area Peripheria Cortiços
Favela Boulevard Match up keywords with definitions on sheet. Stick sheet in Paulistanos  Name given to the residents of Sao Paulo Metropolitan area  Whole built up area including Sao Paulo & surrounding nearby cities – 19 million inhabitants City area  Inner built up area of Sao Paulo – 11 million inhabitants Peripheria  Outer edge of the city Cortiços  Inner city accommodation for the poor. Families live in 1 room with shared toilets & cooking facilities Favela  Homes for the poor, built out of waste materials, with no electricity, water supply or toilets Boulevard  Wide, tree-lined streets

3 City Structure ?v=A3pBJTTjwCM
While watching the clip, write down: Different uses of the city Different opinions of the city Names of areas & their comparisons

4 Functions in Sao Paulo Extension: Where would you choose to live & why? Think about the advantages & disadvantages of living in each area Sections in the city: CBD – business, residential, retail, entertainment Inner City – residential, industry Suburbs – residential & commercial Urban rural fringe (peripheria) – residential Label the photos for the area of the city you think they are from Using the hand-outs fill information into your worksheet

5 CBD Changes in past 50 years
Functions Include business, residential, retail, entertainment & transport functions etc. Many buildings built in 19th century During rapid industrialisation high rise buildings were built in 20th century 2 centres – Centro Novo & Centro Velho; separated by the valley of the Anhangabau River Centro Velho is the financial centre (comparable to Canary Wharf) Centro Novo is focused on shopping, hotels and cultural functions (museums, theatres, restaurants etc.) (comparable to Leicester Square/West End) Centro Novo has wide boulevards and many high rise, expensive residential blocks Main railway stations Changes in past 50 years Wealthy residents moved out to inner city e.g. Jardins (expensive residential area in SW compared to Beverley Hills) because of lack of space & increasing traffic in the centre Wealthy residents and service industries have moved to suburbs and urban-rural fringe Poor residents have moved to inner city into cortiços – abandoned residential/office buildings Increase in number of street traders (informal, cash in hand work)

6 Inner City Main function is residential with some industry
Cortiços – abandoned residential/office buildings Migrants settled in Liberdade & Bela Vista in the 19th century & early 20th century Bela Vista is home to Italian migrants Liberdade is home to largest Japanese population outside of Japan Favelas such as Paraisoplis were established here; population 43,000 people in 1500m² (2 football pitches) Some favelas have been removed

7 Suburbs Residential & commercial function
Great contrast between wealthy & poor – favelas & expensive houses Morumbi has high security housing complexes with parks & shopping centres Good hospitals & schools; state government HQ; university Large number of favelas, they have been built on any land that has been left vacant Santo Amaro contains HQ of banks & companies that have moved out of CBD

8 Urban rural fringe (peripheria)
Favelas appeared here in 1980s due to rapid population growth and lack of housing in the city Gated communities have been developed here like Alphaville Wealthy residents move to these gated communities because of perception of better, cleaner life on the edge of the city Wealthy residents live & work in these gated communities

9 Alphaville – gated community
Gated community in urban-rural fringe Surrounded with 100m high walls which is patrolled by 1000 armed guards 34,000 residents 2,300 businesses Shopping centre Entertainment venues Restaurants Hospital Schools Leisure facilities What if you were living on the wrong side of the fence? If I lived in the favela overlooking Alphaville…. What if you had no hope of making it to the other side? How would you feel?

10 Plenary Explain the function of the CBD of a named city (4 marks) Named city in a developing or emerging city…

11 Plenary: facts learnt in today’s lesson:
CBD functions include business, residential, retail, entertainment & transport functions etc. Wealthy residents moved out of CBD to inner city e.g. Jardins because of lack of space & increasing traffic in the centre Poor residents have moved out of CBD to inner city into cortiços – abandoned residential/office buildings Inner city main function is residential with some industry Bela Vista is home to Italian migrants (inner city) Liberdade is home to largest Japanese population outside of Japan (inner city) Favelas such as Paraisoplis were established in the inner city; population 43,000 people in 1500m² (2 football pitches) Suburbs show contrast between rich and poor ; Morumbi & Santo Amaro are wealthy areas Favelas appeared in urban-rural fringe in 1980s due to rapid population growth and lack of housing in the city Gated communities have been developed in urban-rural fringe e.g. Alphaville

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