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Political & Media Communication Techniques

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1 Political & Media Communication Techniques

2 Bias A preference, opinion, or attitude that likes one way of thinking or something over another. Propaganda A method used to persuade the reader or observer to think or feel a certain way about a person, idea, or product.

3 Name Calling X a gorilla or ape, monster, etc blood
grab the world, attack Europe, etc. X Reckless Using negative words Reckless Bad names Unflattering images X X

4 Testimonials You can lose weight like she did with Weight Watchers
Jennifer Hudson, singer & actress Weight Watchers weight loss program Helped her lose weight You can lose weight like she did with Weight Watchers The American Federation of Teachers Hilary Clinton X Support Hilary Clinton

5 Transfer alcoholic beverage car crash The car crash.
The car crash makes the drink look less cool. Drinking and cars do not mix. Statute of Liberty X American flags X X

6 Glittering Generalities
Nothing, it goes well with other things… X X F E slogans C catch phrases A B simple and clever D

7 Plain Folks X X suits X X

8 Bandwagon sad/happy, clean/dirty, different detergents
“It’s cleaner on the Tide side.” or “You can trust Tide…” X It is winning and it’s clean / happier. X X People want to be on the winning side, or at least not on the losing side.

9 Card Stacking 5X more 3G coverage, map is almost filled in
A lot less map coverage, less 3G coverage than Verizon X X X X X X X

10 Testimonial / Endorsement
Kid Rock Mitt Romney The American Flag X X Transfer Testimonial / Endorsement There is an American flag as the backdrop to the stage. This symbolizes patriotism. The music star, Kid Rock, is publicly showing his support for presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

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