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Music and images (2.38 mins) for filing into assembly

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1 Music and images (2.38 mins) for filing into assembly
Notes for teacher Music and images (2.38 mins) for filing into assembly

2 The International Day for Tolerance
16th November every year Set up by the UN after wars in Europe and Africa in the 1990s caused by people fighting over their differences This was set up by the UN in 1995 in response to the racial and religious wars in Bosnia and Rwanda, to ensure that every year we focus on the dangers of intolerance. The International Day for Tolerance was designed to educate people about the need for tolerance in society, and help them understand the potentially devastating results of failing to to achieve it. Tolerance is about respecting the right that other people have to an opinion or practice, not the opinion or practice itself. It is about according other people the rights that you demand for yourself. It’s not passive or silent acceptance of differences, it’s a constant commitment to communication, listening, talking and trying to understand. Throughout human history, people have fought terrible wars because of intolerance of differences, like race, religion, and money. The lessons we learn from history is that in order to be tolerant we need: Religious tolerance Respect for cultural difference To understand the perspective of others To question everything What could have been different throughout history if people and societies had been more tolerant?

3 Respect CURIOSITY TOLERANCE Speaking out Open mindedness
Space for other people’s opinions Understanding TOLERANCE CURIOSITY Open mindedness Speaking out Respect

4 Our School How is our school diverse? Languages spoken
Religions observed Nationalities I want to remind everyone that we are a diverse school with lots of differences - hands up for pupil contributions

5 Paired share Share with your neighbour what you are? E.g. I am Hindu, short, shy Share with your neighbour what you like? E.g. I love bananas, Taylor Swift, Pokemon Go

6 You Don’t Have to Agree I am not an “Arsenal fan” but I am OK if you are I like “Brussel sprouts”, but I am OK if you don’t This is BEING TOLERANT

7 What happens if we aren’t tolerant of each others differences?
Little differences may not matter but larger ones can lead to problems Intolerance does affect us and our families You may remember adults disagreeing about leaving the European Union (Brexit) - some children from other countries were treated badly outside their school gates A final lesson from those Angry Birds

8 The ‘Them and Us’ Game Today the teachers and I have decided that from now on, pupils with brown eyes will get sweets for lunch, double break and no homework If you don’t have brown eyes, stand up How do you feel? (unfairly treated, jealous, angry) How do you lucky brown-eyed pupils feel? How do you feel about the ‘others’? Would you happy to swap? ptional for teachers

9 Luckily…. We don’t have unfair rules like that at this school - all of you will be having break time, we’ll save the sweets for the staffroom We are not ‘Them and Us’ we are One School with many differences You are the ambassadors, you can make the world a more tolerant place

10 So, From Now On… Find out more about each other
Speak up for people who are picked on for their differences Control your anger when people are intolerant towards you

11 Starting today, on Tolerance Day
[Insert specific lessons and activities school is participating in eg. survey, play, letter writing, paper chain] Get teacher to talk about specific activities

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