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Today’s Goal: How was Leopold able to gain control of the Congo?

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1 Today’s Goal: How was Leopold able to gain control of the Congo?

2 “Dr. Livingston I presume.”
Henry Morton Stanley Born a bastard- orphanage- evidence of molestation- fear of women, liar Handwriting – Deckhand- Civil War (both sides, Confederate …Union) Journalist- embellishes, bribes telegraph attendant to be first story home African Explorers become celebrities READING---Excerpt from King Leopold's Ghost “Dr. Livingston I presume.”

3 1876 Formation of International Africa Association
King Leopold II King of the Belgians “to open civilization to the only part of the globe where it has not penetrated.” Belgium became independent in 1830 Obsessed with profit colonies Studies: Spanish conquistadors Visits: British colonies Searches the world for a colony to buy: fails to buy from Spanish Portuguese and Dutch Finally looks to Africa: 80% still ruled by indigenous rulers. Sept 1876 hosted a gathering of explorers and geographers Opening speech: “to open civilization to the only part of the globe where it has not penetrated.” Formation of International Africa Association Many were impressed with the King’s commitment to humanitarianism 1876 Formation of International Africa Association

4 How does Leopold end up controlling the Congo?
International Africa Association “to open civilization to the only part of the globe where it has not penetrated.” How can he get a colony Can’t buy, Can’t take by force Humanitarian angle Many were impressed with the King’s commitment to humanitarianism

5 What could they gain from each other?
Leopold II and Stanley What could they gain from each other? 450 treaties- from Stanley granted Leopold exclusive trading rights and control over land How does he get countries to recognize his hold on the Congo

6 How does Leopold get countries to recognize his hold on the Congo?
Lobbyists Leopold turned to U.S. to recognize Belgian Congo Tremendous lobby campaign—emphasized a great humanitarian cause 1884 U.S. became first country to recognize Belgium Congo Leopold turned to Europe and used similar tactics

7 The Berlin Conference (1884-1885)
To promote: Commerce Christianity Civilization Otto von Bismarck arranged international conference 14 nations came together—Leopold was not invited Three C’s were preached: Commerce, Christianity & Civilization Three aims: ensure free trade for all nations in Congo, free navigation on Niger River, agree to a set of “rules” to divide the rest of the continent NO African representatives invited Purpose- And reduce the possibility of conflicts arising among the European powers Three aims Free trade Free navigation on the Niger River of West Africa Agree upon a set of rules by which the Europeans could proceed to divide the rest of the continent The conference ended with the signing of the Berlin Act of Among the provisions: they agreed to protect freedom of religion in all of the colonial territories of Africa. They also promised to “watch over the preservation of the native tribes and to care for the improvement of their moral and material well-being,” and to help in suppressing slavery.

8 The Partition of Africa

9 Write 2 Questions on the Berlin Conference (and then ask your partner)
1. 2.

10 For Africans the Berlin Conference of 1885 was like…
Visual Metaphor Create an illustrated visual metaphor about the motives and outcomes of the 1885 Berlin Conference. Annotate your picture with at least two points to explain why the metaphor works. For Africans the Berlin Conference of 1885 was like…

11 So how was Africa carved up?
The Berlin Act 1885 Not only to promote: C__________ Also to reduce the possibility of c_________ arising among the European powers

12 Berlin Conference Otto von Bismarck arranged an international conference _____ nations came together—Leopold was not invited (Henry Stanley attended) Three C’s were preached: Commerce, Christianity & Civilization Three aims: ensure f_____ t_______for all nations in Congo, free navigation on Niger River, agree to a set of “rules” to d________ the rest of the continent NO A________ representatives were invited

13 Did they achieve these provisions?
The Outcome? The conference ended with the signing of the Berlin Act of Among the provisions: they agreed to protect f__________ of religion in all of the colonial territories of Africa, they also promised to “watch over the preservation of the n_______ tribes and to care for the improvement of their moral and material well-being,” and to help in suppressing sl_________. Did they achieve these provisions?

14 King Leopold’s Ghost Silent Sustained Reading (SSR): Book - King Leopold’s Ghost Directions: Read pages 84 to (top of) 87. Answer the assigned questions.

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