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Battle for the Continent A.P. U.S. period

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1 Battle for the Continent A.P. U.S. period 3 1754 - 1800
French & Indian War (Seven Years War)

2 Causes of Fr./Ind. War Rivalry over North American land claims, specifically over the Ohio Country in Western Pennsylvania. 2. George Washington, 21-year old, captain in the VA militia sent by Governor Robert Dinwiddie to warn the French to evacuate.

3 Ohio Country in W. PA

4 War begins George Washington went to western PA in 1754 to remove the French from Fort Duquesne.

5 1754 Washington and his small company of troops was stopped a few miles from Duquesne and quickly built Fort Necessity. He and his men were badly beaten in battle. Captured & released.

6 French and Indian War The war started badly for the English.
Ben Franklin proposed colonial unity at the Albany Conference. Cartoon urging the Am. Colonies to unite for common defense against Fr & Indians.

7 French and Indian War French and Indians waged guerilla warfare which caught the British off guard in battle.

8 Results of the War Treaty of Paris 1763 1. War ends.
2. France lost all lands in N. Am. 3. Spain and Britain got the French lands.

9 Britain’s Treasury is nearly bankrupt

10 American settlers begin to push westward into Indian lands
Chief Pontiac led Pontiac’s Rebellion against English settlers crossing the Appalachian Mountains to take more Indian (and formerly French) lands. In an attempt to avoid another costly Indian war, King George III issued the Proclamation of 1763. (p. 153 – 157)

11 King George’s Proclamation of 1763

12 Biological Warfare General Amherst proposed inflecting Indian tribes with small pox virus.

13 Britain passed stricter regulations expecting American colonists to pay for the war (end of salutary neglect). This was met with growing hostility.

14 French & Indian War Britain’s success in the French and Indian War became the direct cause of the American War for Independence. Why is this statement true??

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