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Ch 12 Reconstruction.

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1 Ch 12 Reconstruction

2 Lincoln’s Plan for Reconstruction
Lenient plan from Lincoln 10% Plan AR, LA, TN, VA ready for readmission Radical Republicans Thaddeus Stevens Wade-Davis Bill Lincoln used the…

3 Johnson’s Plan Democrat Johnson takes over Traitor?
AL, FL, GA, MS, NC, SC, TX had to meet several conditions… Only difference from Lincoln’s plan… Needs of former slaves? All but TX drew up… MS didn’t ratify 13th Dec 1865, 58 Rebels went to Congress Radical Republicans not happy Freedmen’s Bureau Civil Rights Act of 1866 Black Codes Johnson’s Plan

4 Congressional Reconstruction
14th Amendment Johnson told South to reject it??? 1866 Congressional Elections Reconstruction Act of 1867 Impeach Johnson? Tenure of Office Act Was he? Election of 1868 15th Amendment

5 Politics in the Postwar South
Scalawags Carpetbaggers African Americans in politics Hiram Revels 40 acres and a mule Sharecropping Tenant Farming

6 The Collapse of Reconstruction
KKK What did they do? Enforcement Acts Amnesty Act Republican problems under US Grant Grant vs. Greeley

7 Democrats “Redeem” the South
Redemption Hayes vs. Tilden in 1876 Tilden won popular vote… Compromise of 1877 Home Rule

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