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SCHEDULE A NEW Hilroy Notebook from the front On front: Name Date

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1 Responses Synthesis Evaluation Once you have entered the classroom, please pick up…
SCHEDULE A NEW Hilroy Notebook from the front On front: Name Date Title: Term 1 Response Please Silently copy the schedule (see right) in the inside cover of your Hilroy A copy of the short story “The Royal Knights of Harlem” Once you have finished copying schedule down, you may begin to read the short story. DAY 1: Read Story Complete Annotations Begin Response Outline Day 2: Peer Discussion Silently Working on Response & Editing Day 3: Silently Working on Response

2 Questions and/or Comments Before we Begin?

3 10 Minutes to… Step 1: Read “The Royal Knights of Harlem” & Complete Initial Annotation Step 2: Complete Extended Annotation Step 3: Begin Outline/Planning of Response Synthesis

4 5 Minutes left: What to do…
With your number written on the Top Left Corner of your Hilroy…please silently hand in your Hilroy (with short story inside) to Ms. Petersen before the bell. Please silently raise your hand to let me know you are ready to hand it in – I will come and pick them up. You may not leave the class until you are dismissed and all Hilroys are accounted for. 

5 Good Afternoon Please silently pick up your Hilroy Notebook on the front desk from black box and begin working. Time is of the essense. You should be doing one of the following: Finishing Extended Annotation Beginning Response Synthesis

6 Group Discussion In groups of 2-3…you may discuss and compare your understanding of the story and your findings for your extended annotation.

7 About 8 minutes left Time is of the essence.
You should be doing one of the following: Finishing Extended Annotation Beginning Response Synthesis

8 Almost 5 Minutes left: What to do…
With your number written on the Top Left Corner of your Hilroy…please silently hand in your Hilroy (with short story inside) to Ms. Petersen before the bell. Please silently raise your hand to let me know you are ready to hand it in – I will come and pick them up. You may not leave the class until you are dismissed and all Hilroys are accounted for. 

9 Day 3 Complete your Response U.S.S.R. if you finish before the bell

10 Day 3 INSTRUCTIONS LESSON PLAN Hilroy and story Agenda Binder Notes
Complete your Response U.S.S.R. if you finish before the bell

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